Cheap and healthy meals

Hey Culinaly. This is my favorite board and it has taught me quite a lot about cooking. Right now, I am in the process of moving to a new apartment, and I am at my lowest point when it comes to money. I'm writing for some advice regarding cheap healthy meals to sustain myself over the next recession. Cheese and bean burritos are looking like the best option, any other ideas? Thank you!

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  1. 2 years ago

    Every meal fundamentally is the following:

    Starch + Vegetable + Protein

    A sauce is optional.


    If you want to save money, learn where to shop for what. You will not save money going to one store. Hit up ethnic markets but be aware that even the MexiMart may have more expensive tortillas than Kroger. Keep a mental list for the best deal.

    Go to a used thrift store and buy a Good Housekeeping book from the 80's. Those editions with thousands of recipes are best.


    Learn to hunt and fish, even if for small game. You want to impress a girl? Fresh seafood you caught, or a pheasant roast will make her pussy wet if she was raised right (e.g., by God fearing parents of stock).

    • 2 years ago

      Just to add on to this OP, protein will generally be the most expensive part of this equation. A possible solution is to either hunt your food depending on where you live, for instance here in texas I can hunt deer for part of the year, wild hog at any time, and fish.

      Another way would be to join a wholesale club like Costco or sams. I got a deal on a sams membership, they were running a few weeks ago you could get an entire year subscription to sams for 8$. It’s probably already paid for itself in the savings, buying in bulk is more cost up front but cheaper per serving.

      • 2 years ago

        >for instance here in texas I can hunt deer for part of the year, wild hog at any time, and fish.
        LOL. Unless you already own land in TX, the people who do charge outrageously for "hunting hogs" even as they b***h incessantly about how much damage the hogs are causing. It's a classic "cobra problem", they're intentionally perpetuating the feral pig problem to make money off it.

        I knew someone who was going out hunting rabbits at night in city parks to put protein on the table for her and her daughter. Apparently gunfire doesn't attract much attention in downtown Milwaukee. 🙂

        >join a wholesale club like Costco or sams
        I don't know how Sam's is, but here, Costco is more expensive than a regular grocery store for most of their stuff. You really have to do price comparisons on each item to find out what the better deal is. Also, Costco's vegetables go bad FAST if they aren't already rotting when you buy them, so unless you're doing all your cooking that same night, it's better to hit the grocery store for things like cauliflower or squash.

    • 2 years ago

      >Keep a mental list for the best deal.
      One of the minor annoyances with the current inflation is that you can't easily do this, since stuff costs more and more each month.

      Just to add on to this OP, protein will generally be the most expensive part of this equation. A possible solution is to either hunt your food depending on where you live, for instance here in texas I can hunt deer for part of the year, wild hog at any time, and fish.

      Another way would be to join a wholesale club like Costco or sams. I got a deal on a sams membership, they were running a few weeks ago you could get an entire year subscription to sams for 8$. It’s probably already paid for itself in the savings, buying in bulk is more cost up front but cheaper per serving.

      >Just to add on to this OP, protein will generally be the most expensive part of this equation.
      Eggs are cheap and versatile source of protein.

  2. 2 years ago

    Rice, lentils, frozen broccoli/spinach and eggs.

  3. 2 years ago

    OP, what the BLEEP is that photo? A couple of girls recreating it, or some sort of headswap?

    Picrelated is the original. Your photo is seriously weirding me out. EXPLAIN YOURSELF.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Thanks, I looked this up. I have never heard of any of these people or this show before. You goshdarned kids keep copying the past. INVENT YOUR OWN MEMES!!!

        Sweeney has great breasts.

        Are those in the photo really hers?

        • 2 years ago

          >Are those in the photo really hers?
          I dunno but I believe so, I see her posted on Culinaly a lot and she’s got a great set

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, I did some more research. I was thinking that the photo was just a photoshop job, but apparently they used their powers as Hollywood Stars(TM) to recreate a few classic scenes.

    • 2 years ago

      what do you do as the blonde in this situation

      • 2 years ago

        nothing, you've already successfully mogged, what else is left?

    • 2 years ago

      Besides the Euphoria chicks recreating it there I do believe there have been quite a few other recreations or tributes such as this god awful but pleasantly horny movie.

    • 2 years ago

      why are modern women so much more attractive?

    • 2 years ago
      i am more intelligent than you

      how can someone dumb as you manage to boot up their computer to post in this place?

  4. 2 years ago

    Sweeney has great breasts.

  5. 2 years ago

    >Cheese and bean burritos are looking like the best option, any other ideas? Thank you!
    Split pea soup is one of my favorites, and is also cheap and easy to make. I use the recipe off the Hurst's Hampeas bag, but I don't pay the premium for their ridiculously overpriced branded bag of commodity split peas with some "meat flavor" powder included. Just use real meat, your stomach will thank you.

    Holy crap, I just did a search on warosu to dig up the recipe. I've been reposting this same suggestion since at least 2012.

    BTW, remove the bay leaves before eating. THIS IS IMPORTANT. Bay leaves don't soften even when cooked. They can damage your esophagus, stomach, and/or intestines even if you chew them up before swallowing.


    My favorite low-cost recipe is split pea soup. The recipe off the "Hampeas" package at Wal-Mart works really well.

    20 oz split peas
    12 cups water
    1 onion, diced
    some carrots, diced
    some smoked ham or turkey, diced
    bay leaves (I put in about 6 large ones)
    half a stick of butter

    Throw everything together in a big pot, bring to a high boil for half an hour, then reduce heat to a simmer (as low as you can get it while still bubbling) for another hour to 1.5 hours.

    You can use as much or as little meat as you want. My local grocery store has huge bone-in hams for 99 cents a pound about once a month.

    • 2 years ago

      BTW, here's the thread. It has some more good suggestions. The OP in that one was looking for the same sort of thing.

      BTW, hilariously, when I read the rest of the old Warosu thread I copied that from, I included the warning about bay leaves in a separate post a little further down.

      I also forgot to mention rinsing the peas off before you throw them in the pot (and didn't copy it from the old one where I also forgot to mention that initially and put it in a later post :-).

  6. 2 years ago

  7. 2 years ago

    Dried beans are your best friend.
    Soak one night and you can do almost anything.
    This also goes for peas, then you've got lentils which often doesn't even need soaking.
    You can make it OP.

    • 2 years ago

      Where the frick do you find dried beans? All they have in the grocery store are tiny bags of pintos that cost more than cans.

      • 2 years ago

        Where tf are you that the bottom shelf in the canned vegetable aisle isn't full of nothing but big bags of dried beans?

        • 2 years ago

          Colorado, Texas, few other places. Never seen such a thing. Unless you're thinking of the garbage in pic

      • 2 years ago

        Do they cost more after factoring in the generally discarded liquid in the can and the lack of moisture in the sold dry beans?
        Also, get beans from the Indian store.

        • 2 years ago

          >the Indian store
          I have no idea what this is but I’m certain they dint have one in any city I’ve lived in. And yeah I didn’t think about the liquid, but I suppose that’s made up for with not having to soak them over night.

          • 2 years ago

            I just meant a pajeet grocer but yeah maybe you don’t have any. Too bad cos they are the kings of cheap eating.
            Doesn’t cost money to soak over night though. If you can’t plan, then get a pressure cooker and you can skip the soaking.

  8. 2 years ago

    My "healthy" part of my diet consists of frozen blueberries (2.50 for a whole bag at waltmart, I eat them while they're still frozen and have only slightly thawed out), and homemade hot chocolate.
    >Take 1 cup milk, measure it in the cup you're going to use so you know it's the right amout
    >Pour it in pot
    >Put one spoonfull of raw cocoa, one spoonful honey inside
    >It's slightly bitter, go in expecting something closer to tea than chocolate. If you expect chocolate you will be disappointed but if you expect tea it's great
    Raw cocoa is one of the healthiest things in existence and most of the oxalates in it bind to the calcium and aren't digested when you make hot cocoa. The antioxidant amounts and micronutrients in hot cocoa is crazy, I drink 2 cups a day on top of all my normal meals and am feeling stronger than ever. If you ever needed to skip a meal some homemade hot cocoa is a great, cheap, healthy way to do so, the cocoa also has fiber that makes you feel full.
    >B-but it takes 5 minutes to make!
    I usually get a couple of dishes done or make some food while I'm waiting for it to cook.

    • 2 years ago

      Lmao this fat frick has tricked himself into thinking hot chocolate is healthy

      >but i use whole milk and insect sugar plus chocolate had antioxidants!!

      Kidney beans have more antioxidants and micronutrients than cocoa

      • 2 years ago

        >Hot chocolate is LE UNHEALTHY
        Low IQ post. How is a cup of milk with one spoonful of honey unhealthy? You really think adding a single spoonful of sugar makes the milk or the raw cocoa unhealthy?
        >Kidney beans have more antioxidants
        No. The raw numbers may be higher but raw cocoa has way more actually effective antioxidants, for micronutrients maybe but they provide completely different nutrition profiles. Why would you ever compare a legume to cocoa powder?

        • 2 years ago

          >why would you compare seed to powder made from seed

          • 2 years ago

            >Legumes being the same thing or having similar nutrition profiles compared to a pod bean that grows on a tree
            >Comparing a protein source to what is essentially a condensed cured vegetable

            • 2 years ago

              >why would you compare food to food
              Who gives a shit what it is, if op wants to be healthy and cheap then he should eat a "protein source" that has more micros and minerals than your treepod bs. Beans > choco, accept it fatty.

              • 2 years ago

                >Noooo you can't just use both!
                >You have to use my one food and not this other also cheap one, you cannot eat both!
                >You drink homemade hot chocolate? Must be fat!
                The absolute state, no, your beans are not superior to raw cocoa.
                >No, you have to min-max micros and minerals in this specific way and only eat this one food and not deviate at all!
                Doesn't sound healthy to me.

              • 2 years ago

                oh no, you're moronic

  9. 2 years ago

    homie look up your local food bank. food is ridiculously cheap to produce in first world countries. when low cost to produce is combined with subsidies, food is massively overproduced. my parents are elderly so they just get this stuff without asking. they have more peanut butter, dried beans and pasta than they know what to do with.

    the reason for subsidies is the exact situation you're in: preventing great depression era starvation. all the farmers get subsidies. all the distributors and retailers get tax write-offs when they donate food, thereby increasing the tax burden on others. all this food is ALREADY paid for through your tax dollars.

    on top of that, any non-canned/non-dried food is almost always near spoilage anyway. the retailer was either going to throw it out, or just didn't bought too much to store. (refridgerated warehouse space is the most expensive to rent per sq ft and clearing it out saves a lot of money.)

  10. 2 years ago

    Thank you all for the suggestions. Any thoughts on canned chicken? I saw a recipe to make keto pizza with that as the dough base.

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