do i really have to pay 80+ dollars for a good saucepan?

do i really have to pay 80+ dollars for a good saucepan? i thought there would be at least a decent budget option in the 40-50 range but even those are trash apparently

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  1. 2 years ago

    I've never gotten anything good from amazon, even when I spent $80+ for it. I swear those frickers just pack up garbage and mail it out, no matter what you buy.
    Try specific brands' websites. 'Our Place' is pricy but worth it.

    • 2 years ago

      >Amazon sucks try brands
      Are you an actual fricking moron? Like, did the single mom who shat you out smoke crack while carrying you?

      • 2 years ago

        Probably, because I'm not even sure what you're so upset about kek
        Amazon mails you knockoff garbage all the time. buy it from the brand directly and that's less likely to happen.

        • 2 years ago

          Some shops allow you to buy directly from Amazon.
          Some brands will have official resellers who list their things on Amazon as well.

          I recently bought ENO Camping gear on Amazon because none of the shops on my continent deliver into my country. Funnily enough on Amazon I was able to buy the ENO brand stuff and have it delivered here.

          But yes I generally agree with you, most amazon stuff is total garbage. You have to really look into what you're buying and from which reseller you're buying it.

          • 2 years ago

            The problem with that is that amazon mixes inventory, so your legit shop's stuff is in the same bin as some scammer from a flyover state who imported a shipping container of counterfeit from china. You have no way to know what you're getting, you should never buy ANYTHING from amazon where it would matter if you got a fake because if it's even slightly worth faking, you have a decent chance of receiving a fake even buying from your legit seller

            • 2 years ago

              Some shops allow you to buy directly from Amazon.
              Some brands will have official resellers who list their things on Amazon as well.

              I recently bought ENO Camping gear on Amazon because none of the shops on my continent deliver into my country. Funnily enough on Amazon I was able to buy the ENO brand stuff and have it delivered here.

              But yes I generally agree with you, most amazon stuff is total garbage. You have to really look into what you're buying and from which reseller you're buying it.

              citation btw

              • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          This has not happened to me once, and I've been shopping on Amazon since 2012.

        • 2 years ago

          >Amazon mails you knockoff garbage all the time.
          meds now

          • 2 years ago

            Shut the frick up.


            • 2 years ago

              Buy directly from Amazon, shipped and sold by Amazon, not a third party seller, dumbass.

              • 2 years ago

                What part of inventory commingling do you not understand; frickface!

  2. 2 years ago

    go to good will or an estate sale and get a steel sauce pot for $8 instead of $80. That has to be the worst way to spend money if youre investing in cooking supplies.

  3. 2 years ago

    You morons will always act like you need a "good saucepan" then do nothing but boil water with it. Just get any old piece of $10 trash, it makes literally no difference to 99% of people.

    • 2 years ago

      What else do you do with them?

    • 2 years ago

      The go-to consoomer feature for a sauce pan is triple layered steel-aluminum-steel that goes throughout the whole pan rather than as a plate on the bottom, and this seems to exist in the $30-$50 range on my Amazon.

      This anon is right though - unless you make a lot of special sauces it's completely irrelevant, get a basic b***h $20 stainless steel one. Do you think the water your pasta boils in gives a shit if its being heated evenly on the sides and bottom?
      >it doesn't

    • 2 years ago

      The go-to consoomer feature for a sauce pan is triple layered steel-aluminum-steel that goes throughout the whole pan rather than as a plate on the bottom, and this seems to exist in the $30-$50 range on my Amazon.

      This anon is right though - unless you make a lot of special sauces it's completely irrelevant, get a basic b***h $20 stainless steel one. Do you think the water your pasta boils in gives a shit if its being heated evenly on the sides and bottom?
      >it doesn't

      nice things are nice
      sure you can boil water on anything, but it's more enjoyable if it's well made, with a sturdy handle, with proper weight and size

      • 2 years ago

        Any of the triple ply pans will do this. They have good weight to them. Any pan manufacturer on Amazon that has this feature and is well rated will have pans that look and feel nice.

        You want pans that look like a single sheet of metal composed of 3 layers, like the top picture, not like the bottom picture, a pan that looks like a layer of steel with a plate glued to the bottom.

        The theoretical advantage is in how aluminum spreads heat. cheaper pans have an aluminum plate attached to the bottom (encased in steel) while more expensive pans have aluminum, copper, or both running up the entire pan

        After that, things like how the handle is attached start to matter. Good welds are better than good rivets, but most rivets are fine and bad welds suck

  4. 2 years ago

    Go to a restaurant supply store. They have good quality for mostly decent prices.

    • 2 years ago

      nice tip, thanks

  5. 2 years ago

    There are some good older pans on eBay worth buying. Check out pre-1968 (made with thicker copper bottom than later production) Revere Ware.

  6. 2 years ago

    just get one from second-hand shop for like 5 dollars

  7. 2 years ago

    weird last time I looked at double broilers in the 3qt range they were like $40. Maybe they're all pieces of shit

    • 2 years ago

      Double broilers? The dude wants a saucepan. Can you read?

      • 2 years ago

        boiler my bad. anyway just use the bottom one haha (you stupid homosexual)

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