Redpill me about tea

I read it is a stimulant just like caffeine.

How so? What causes the stimulation?

I've been sincerely considering dropping coffee for tea altogether since coffee is disgusting, stains your teeth and causes headaches.

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  1. 2 years ago

    tea has caffeine

  2. 2 years ago

    Take a cyanide pill

  3. 2 years ago

    >causes headaches
    post your entire diet right now you fat frick

    • 2 years ago

      this. i drink 12oz of coffee daily along with an equal amount of green/black tea and i don't get headaches. OP is likely eating a high amount of carbs/sugar.

  4. 2 years ago

    All I know is that /tea/ says puer makes lesbians beat their partners

  5. 2 years ago

    Tea has caffeine as well as theanine, which kind of acts as a balance to caffeine making it less "speedy" feeling
    It's a smoother more sustained energy with less of a crash than coffee. Get yerba mate to brew yourself. it's king.

  6. 2 years ago

    >stains your teeth
    Coffee barely stains your teeth at all, tea however stains your teeth A LOT, I regret starting to drink tea regularly, also tea has caffeine and I believe some other stimulant too, the high is a little different I think.

  7. 2 years ago

    Tea makes me wanna puke when I drink it. No seriously, I start feeling really sick and like I wanna throw up. Black tea is the worst for me. Curiously, coffee doesn't do that to me though. Strange thing, isn't it?

    • 2 years ago

      tannin sensitivity?

    • 2 years ago

      I get this if I drink very strong tea on an empty stomach
      stopped using multiple teabags per cup after I puked a couple times

    • 2 years ago

      use less tea bags per cup
      also don't by the disgusting fake bullshit tea flavors like "mint strawberry rhubarb lemon forest"
      Get real tea with real tea leaves, no artificial shit.

      And most americans way over steep their tea, or do their tea bag for a few seconds and throw it away with 90 percent of the tea left. A tea bag of real tea, or the equivalent in loose leaf, can steep an entire pot, just leave the tea in their for a minute.

      • 2 years ago

        I get this if I drink very strong tea on an empty stomach
        stopped using multiple teabags per cup after I puked a couple times

        Yeah, I'll take yours and the others' advice and try to brew it better. It's a shame because I like the taste of most tea but I generally stay away from it. It's probably just me fricking up the steeping.

        • 2 years ago

          It's possible you have some allergy but try those things. Not a knock against you, Americans are served and taught about tea wrong most of the time.
          One time I was given two teabags in one cup and didn't realize it (there was a lid) drank it and could not stop pissing for the next hour, as I never drink coffee and I'm sensitive to caffeine.

    • 2 years ago

      Caffeine is found within tea. Caffeine is a a CNS stimulant, and is the primary actor causing the stimulatory effect.
      >I've been sincerely considering dropping coffee for tea altogether since coffee is disgusting, stains your teeth and causes headaches.
      Both can do this if consumed in excess. All you have to do is swig some water after consumption to drastically reduce or prevent this anyway.

      You're drinking bagged tea, aren't you? Most bagged tea products will possess very small fannings (sometimes referred to as 'dust') of tea material. These are undesirable in your context because they will extract very rapidly compared to whole leaves due to the vastly increased surface area and changes in thermal capacity. That is, small shreds get extracted more readily than larger, thicker, unopened material. This, combined with the typical "boiling-hot water for several minutes" mantra with teabags means the infusion will extract a bunch of bitter, drying shit that can cause stomach upset. I am generally opposed to the use of teabags, but if you're going to use them, infuse at a slightly lower temp for a shorter duration.

  8. 2 years ago

    tea has caffeine, just less of it than coffee. so it's more like a microdose of caffeine compared to coffee, but it can be noticable
    yerba mate is much more stimulating than tea and seems to last longer than coffee if you drink it the traditional way, steeping it many times etc.

  9. 2 years ago

    tea has caffeine. take caffeine pills, theyre superior and give you far more control over your dosages + some have vitamin b

    • 2 years ago

      Tea has more than just caffeine, it doesn't feel the same.

  10. 2 years ago

    i swapped coffee for tea after having trouble sleeping, and its been really enjoyable. taking that half hour in the morning to brew some oolong or sencha is one of the most enjoyable parts of my day, even beyond the tea; just the time to relax and enjoy the tranquility of the morning
    i think the l-theanine content of of tea really balances it out; when i drink almost a litre of tea i just feel a sense of clarity and hightened awareness compared to the "buzz" of coffee

    • 2 years ago

      Your weed is soggy as shit

      • 2 years ago

        >Your weed is soggy as shit
        >i think the l-theanine content of of tea really balances it out; when i drink
        almost a litre of tea i just feel a sense of clarity and hightened awareness
        compared to the "buzz" of coffee
        Post your entire day's worth of meals right now you fat frick

        • 2 years ago

          i'm underweight and it was a joke you dummy

          >i think the l-theanine content of of tea really balances it out; when i drink
          almost a litre of tea i just feel a sense of clarity and hightened awareness
          compared to the "buzz" of coffee
          Post your entire day's worth of meals right now you fat frick


      • 2 years ago

        >i think the l-theanine content of of tea really balances it out; when i drink
        almost a litre of tea i just feel a sense of clarity and hightened awareness
        compared to the "buzz" of coffee
        Post your entire day's worth of meals right now you fat frick

  11. 2 years ago

    The heat of the tea boils your liver.

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