Serious question; how the frick do people get fat?

I'm out here struggling to eat 1500 calories a day. Despite all the b***hing you hear, food is actually very low calorie; a double hamburger from McDonalds is a mere 380 calories. 12 piece nuggets from Popeyes is 570. Etc. I literally don't understand how many people are eating the cartoonishly large amounts of food that must be required to rapidly gain weight.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Their stomachs probably fit more food thanks to repeat practice
    Your body doesnt detect calories and send signals accordingly

    • 2 years ago

      But what are they eating then? Unless they're eating comically large triple bacon cheeseburger twice a day, I legitimately don't understand.

      And I did used to have more an appetite but I was homeless for a while and only ate a meal a day, and it didn't bounce back I guess.

      • 2 years ago

        A lot of obese people love sugary sodas
        Things like ice cream is easy to eat many calories of, milkshakes are the hollywood get fat quick scheme of choice.

        Lots of easily eaten fat laden carbs.
        Just way too big portions because they eat until they cant eat no more. Like their plates can look ridiculous with the towering portions.
        Eating late at night, eating immediately in the morning because not having food in the stomach = opportunity to eat and feel good.

        • 2 years ago

          It's sugary drinks and candy that out most people over the edge into fat.

          Fructose, the thing that makes sugar sweet, is addicting (causes mild physical withdrawal eg shaking and headaches on cessation) and is metabolized not in the intestines like most food, but in the liver like a drug. Fructolysis causes your body to produce excess ghrelin, which is the hormone which causes you to be hungry. This is likely evolutionary, to motivate hunter-gatherer hominids to eat more vitamin-rich fruit. But sugar (not carb) consumption skyrocketed with the proliferation of refined sugar in the 20th century, and really took off with the invention of high-fructose corn syrup in the 70s. When sugar became cheap, most people became addicted, causing them to eat more food overall and become fat, as the hormonal signals which indicate fullness are blunted by the side effects of fructolysis.
          When you calculate your calories relative to your fullness, count refined sugar as "negative fullness". That is, if you eat a cheeseburger and drink a coke, you'll end up less full than if you just ate the cheeseburger. This effect shows up more strongly as the dose increases, being generally enough to overcome TDEE calorie expenditure at 60g of fructose per day.

          Ahh, so it's not that they're eating large amounts of calories, they're drinking them? I have like maybe one or two sodas a month max, and when I snack I have salty snacks instead of sugary. I guess that would makes sense then.

          I'm also lactose intolerant so the lack of milkshakes and cheese-laden stuff generally cuts down on the cals too I guess.

          • 2 years ago

            Drinking it makes it easy, yes. As do things like chips. Also, the burger isn't the huge calorie addition for fast food, it's the fries. Carbs are calorie dense.

        • 2 years ago

          Fructose, the thing that makes sugar sweet, is addicting (causes mild physical withdrawal eg shaking and headaches on cessation) and is metabolized not in the intestines like most food, but in the liver like a drug. Fructolysis causes your body to produce excess ghrelin, which is the hormone which causes you to be hungry. This is likely evolutionary, to motivate hunter-gatherer hominids to eat more vitamin-rich fruit. But sugar (not carb) consumption skyrocketed with the proliferation of refined sugar in the 20th century, and really took off with the invention of high-fructose corn syrup in the 70s. When sugar became cheap, most people became addicted, causing them to eat more food overall and become fat, as the hormonal signals which indicate fullness are blunted by the side effects of fructolysis.
          When you calculate your calories relative to your fullness, count refined sugar as "negative fullness". That is, if you eat a cheeseburger and drink a coke, you'll end up less full than if you just ate the cheeseburger. This effect shows up more strongly as the dose increases, being generally enough to overcome TDEE calorie expenditure at 60g of fructose per day.

          Oxycontin and other painkillers remove the pain of being a glutton frick.
          They use painkillers.

          • 2 years ago

            id rather be obese than an opium addict honestly
            preferably you'd be both, or neither

            anyway the more you eat the more volume you can tolerate
            pro eaters do volume training with low cal vegetables
            i notice when it's cutting season where i very little and i try to down more volume, it's pretty hard
            ie it goes both ways (for me anyway), the more you eat, the more you can handle and the more you want
            a slippery slope

      • 2 years ago

        It's sugary drinks and candy that out most people over the edge into fat.

      • 2 years ago

        300 pound obese NEET here, you don't get fat just from eating regular food, it's the sugary junk food that does you in. Two shitty snack cakes is something like 330 calories, they give you a pack of Oreos but expect you to only eat 3 to get the "proper" serving size. I usually end up eating the whole pack of Oreos if I get my mitts on them, that's something like 2400 calories in absolute garbage. I think most fat people (like me!) tend to eat not according to serving size, but package/container size. I don't like how easily I can devour junk food, it's like crack. Soda is also a big problem for some fat people, but whenever partake in the carbonated devil it's zero calorie shit.

        this. fatasses are always complaining about how hot it is, especially after theyve done some task that exerted a tiny fraction of their energy. and then they think youre moronic when you say that youre cold after they've put the ac to 50 degrees

        Imagine for some reason you've strapped 200 pounds of coats to yourself with copious layers of tape and knotted ropes. Of course you'd have to be a moron to put yourself in this situation where you're not able to easily remove these coats, but if you're moronic enough to get yourself in that predicament you'd be complaining about the heat.

        Thanks for reading my blog.

        • 2 years ago

          if you had money and the will, i would cook healthy tasty meals for you and hit you with a cattle prod and make you work out with me. you would prolly want to die the first 4 weeks but you'd appreciate it after you lose 160 lbs and literally feel how easy it is to breathe/walk/get up and do shit.

      • 2 years ago

        a handful of peanuts is like 300 calories
        a pat of butter on a slice of toast is like 200 calories
        I could eat 3000 calories in like 20 minutes without meaning to and then forget I ate. frick you skinnies

  2. 2 years ago

    All the fat girls i've been with all commonly did one thing:

    They kept the air conditioner BLASTING

    • 2 years ago

      A lot of obese people love sugary sodas
      Things like ice cream is easy to eat many calories of, milkshakes are the hollywood get fat quick scheme of choice.

      Lots of easily eaten fat laden carbs.
      Just way too big portions because they eat until they cant eat no more. Like their plates can look ridiculous with the towering portions.
      Eating late at night, eating immediately in the morning because not having food in the stomach = opportunity to eat and feel good.


    • 2 years ago

      im not even fat and i do this.

    • 2 years ago

      What the frick? Every woman I've been with has the heat on if it's under like 200 degrees out it's fricking annoying.

    • 2 years ago

      you might be thinking in reverse, they need the AC because they're fat bro

      • 2 years ago

        Nah. I'm saying they refused to let themselves just get hot and sweat. Not once have I met a fat girl who just allowed themselves to get hot or even enjoyed the heat. It's always "I'm too hotttttttt put the air conditioner on 70 degrees! and switch it from AUTO to ON!"

        And it's like b***h no wonder you're fat. It's not the soda,it's not the alcohol,it's not their obsession with mexican food, it's not even your DIET,it's that shit. Turn off the fricking AC. Live a few hours of a day with it off and drink water to cope. You'll lose weight.

        • 2 years ago

          >not keeping your pigs in a blanket
          weak foundation

      • 2 years ago

        this. fatasses are always complaining about how hot it is, especially after theyve done some task that exerted a tiny fraction of their energy. and then they think youre moronic when you say that youre cold after they've put the ac to 50 degrees

    • 2 years ago

      Big mistake, cold air is full of calories.

  3. 2 years ago

    >I'm out here
    shut the frick up

  4. 2 years ago

    1. sugar in their food and drinks
    2. and the rest is just constant eating.

  5. 2 years ago

    Fructose, the thing that makes sugar sweet, is addicting (causes mild physical withdrawal eg shaking and headaches on cessation) and is metabolized not in the intestines like most food, but in the liver like a drug. Fructolysis causes your body to produce excess ghrelin, which is the hormone which causes you to be hungry. This is likely evolutionary, to motivate hunter-gatherer hominids to eat more vitamin-rich fruit. But sugar (not carb) consumption skyrocketed with the proliferation of refined sugar in the 20th century, and really took off with the invention of high-fructose corn syrup in the 70s. When sugar became cheap, most people became addicted, causing them to eat more food overall and become fat, as the hormonal signals which indicate fullness are blunted by the side effects of fructolysis.
    When you calculate your calories relative to your fullness, count refined sugar as "negative fullness". That is, if you eat a cheeseburger and drink a coke, you'll end up less full than if you just ate the cheeseburger. This effect shows up more strongly as the dose increases, being generally enough to overcome TDEE calorie expenditure at 60g of fructose per day.

    • 2 years ago

      Best post itt and very interesting. I will be more concious of what I consume in the future since I'm starting to put on a bit of weight and the culprit is probably soda.

    • 2 years ago

      Fructose also screws with your intestinal villi to increase absorb more calories from a given amount of food

  6. 2 years ago

    I got chubby as a teenager, it is because in your early teens with hormones etc going off you feel like eating more and usually it is the snack food. If I opened a bag of potatchips then I had to finish it and I would eat several in a week. I didn't exercise, I didn't have friends either cause I was bullied and luckily I only managed to get chub. When you're an older teenager, for women this is earlier than guys, you get to a point that eating this much actually does get you from chubby to fat a lot faster. And unless you get your shit together you're only going to get bigger as the years go by. I went full Culinaly when I was 26 or so, got my shit together dietwise and so on but lots of women my age look like they are end 30 cause of the weight. People just got used to eating a certain way since they were kids not realizing they should stop that when they're adult and most workingclass adults exercise regularly. This only got worse with the current gen kids.

    • 2 years ago

      >and most workingclass adults exercise regularly.

      I mean don't exercise. I think that has to do with it a lot also. A lot of young teenagers nowadays try to get fit cause they see insta models, but most of them let it slide when they become 18-20 and lose their shit from that point on. Same with guys but they know nothing about diet and counting carbs, they eat kebabs but also dinner with their families.

  7. 2 years ago

    >Serious question; how the frick do people get fat?
    well idiot troll I'll tell you.

    >be me
    >be teenager
    >mom decides to lose weight
    >says I am fat need to lose weight (I'm not)
    >OK mom
    >get skinner than I was
    >stop dieting and gain weight (not a lot).
    >start drinking soda
    >devil hfcs inside it
    >gain weight
    >go on diet
    >lose weight
    >gain it all back
    >more soda
    >gain weight
    >realize too late what I had done
    >can't lose weight no matter what I do

  8. 2 years ago

    >how the frick do people get fat?
    They eat calorie dense but nutritionally lacking food/drinks. Stuff like alcohol will also build fat as it needs to be processed by the liver before it processes the fat in the body.

  9. 2 years ago

    I'm skinny but I can easily eat an entire pot of Ben & Jerry's in one sitting, which is more than 1000 calories. An entire medium pizza is also generally more than 1000 calories. If you add soda on top of this and random sugary fatty snacks throughout the day, it's not surprising so many people become land whales.
    Being skinny is easy though if you know how. Literally eat oatmeal, potatoes, eggs, and lots of fibre-rich veggies and you will find it impossible not to lose weight.

  10. 2 years ago

    I've never been a big soda drinker, but I've been a fat frick since I was a small child. I love carbs though.

    Current diet:
    8am: coffee w/ milk + toast / homemade muffin / danish
    12pm: frozen pre-cooked meal (300~400 kcal)
    2pm: coffee/tea w/ milk + snacks (cheese and pickles, cookies, chips, etc.)
    6pm: leftover home cooked meal of 1/3 meat + veg + carb. (i.e. chicken, tossed greens, roast potatoes)
    8pm: dessert - cookies, icecream, candy, etc.

    pretty sure my problem is snacks and dessert happen pretty much every day for me.

    • 2 years ago

      You are an adult eating desserts.

      Read that sentence aloud.

      Read it aloud and embrace the shame.

      Embrace it, and stop eating desserts.

      You don't need a fricking reward for finishing your dinner you glutinous frick.

    • 2 years ago

      You are an adult eating desserts.

      Read that sentence aloud.

      Read it aloud and embrace the shame.

      Embrace it, and stop eating desserts.

      You don't need a fricking reward for finishing your dinner you glutinous frick.

      Wait, do Americans have dessert every day? Wtf i thought that was just for birthdays or the occasional restaurant meal as a treat. They fricking snack and dessert every day?! Well that explains a lot. Filthy animals. There's people starving in the same planet as you, you gluttonous frickers.

      • 2 years ago

        Yes how else do you get fat

      • 2 years ago

        Dude, we have desserts as snacks. We have snack CAKES.

      • 2 years ago

        Let them starve, and I shall live like a king.

  11. 2 years ago

    beer, soft drinks, sweet stuff

  12. 2 years ago

    >Serious question; how the frick do people get fat?

  13. 2 years ago


    Do Americans really?

  14. 2 years ago

    >I'm out here struggling to eat 1500 calories a day.
    >I literally don't understand how many people are eating the cartoonishly large amounts of food that must be required to rapidly gain weight.
    shut the frick up twink. also, sugar. if americans didn't have sugar they'd probably be fifty pounds lighter

  15. 2 years ago

    sugar drinks and junk/processed food -> insulin resistance which causes your appetite to never go away

  16. 2 years ago

    As a former fatass: Lifestyle, often snacks, and habit.
    Lifestyle is a big one. Spend your entire day sedentary and your TDEE goes down real fast. Especially if you don't have that many muscles, which a lot of lards don't have. I have the excuse of being disabled, so my TDEE is reall low, but I am confident that I could have gotten fat without that condition too, depending on circumstances. My TDEE was around 1500 kcals, while for normal people its much higher.
    Snacks are a big one. Eat a 300g bag of tortillas, that's like 1.4k kcals just there. Add a bag of cookies and you have between 720 and 1k kcals. There's 2k kcals just in snacks. You will feel like shit, but a lot of fat people feel like they deserve that feeling.
    Then for main dishes, you have three main rules: Carbs, because while carbs are low in kcals, they are not filling at all and will make you overeat easier than anything else, so you want to eat pasta, pizza and fries. Secondly add a high kcal density sauce, preferably something with cheese or cream. Then add msg and salts, which make it easier to overeat. Eat quickly, so by the time your brain signals that you are full as frick, you are already done with the dish.
    Lastly for habit: Eat big portions. Your feeling for what a portion is is very off reality, usually x2-x3 the normal size. Eat at inconsistent times and in a hurry.
    For a bonus, drink your calories. 1l of cola is 420 kcals, basically for free. Plus it will raise your blood sugar, making you hungry quicker. A glass (0.3l) of whole milk is 180 kcals, add chocolate powder to add calories and make it less filling.
    And of course dessert. A milkshake can be made to reach the 1k kcals for a glass without much effort and without being very filling to the average lard.
    Another secret is peanut butter, even the natural kind. Tastes great and isn't unhealthy, but eat 200g (which is very doable) and you have another 1.2k kcals down.

    God I am glad I left that shitty lifestyle behind.

    • 2 years ago

      >needs an acronym for exercise
      wtf lol

      • 2 years ago

        TDEE is not exercise, it stands for total daily energy expenditure and consists of all your calories burned as a total, and is thus bigger than your BMR (basal metabolic rate), which is included in the TDEE.
        Those are pretty basic and widely accepted shorthands to refer to specific concepts.

        • 2 years ago

          The issue is that TDEE is only assumed, and nobody in the world understands every trick the human body is capable of pulling. Did you know it's possible to literally piss out calories? When free fatty acids in the blood get high enough your kidneys start to filter them out and you literally piss calories. Did you know that the presence of insulin prevents your body from accessing its stored fat, and that insulin resistance can cause your body to almost always have insulin present? Did you know that when burning carbohydrates as an energy source mitochondria actually become more efficient and burn less calories than if they were being fed fat as an energy source?

          • 2 years ago

            >The issue is that TDEE is only assumed
            It isn't assumed, it is estimated. TDEE is very real, even if accurately measuring it is hard.
            And I know all of those things you mentioned, they are pretty basic stuff you should learn in any nutrition class, yet none of them are relevant. At the end of the day, it's just throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Just because TDEE isn't easy to accurately measure doesn't mean it is wrong, or not real. So is CICO. Just because the CI and the CO part of CICO aren't constants doesn't invalidate the concept, unless you want to argue that thermodynamics are wrong.

            • 2 years ago

              How can you possibly argue that someone's body not being able to access their stored fat is irrelevant to the discussion of weight loss? It's the ENTIRE discussion.

              • 2 years ago

                >Dude takes issue with acronym
                >I explain what acronym stands for
                >You talk about stuff that isn't relevant to understanding the acronym
                Thus not relevant.

                It's like you explaining to someone a math problem, let's say differential equations and I show up with the mathematical proof that 1+1=2. When you tell me that that isn't really relevant right now, I say: "How can you possibly argue that the proof of 1+1=2 is irrelevant to the discussion of your math problem? It's the ENTIRE discussion". Like yes it is tangentially related, but I was explaining to that anon what TDEE meant, not how to lose or gain weight.

              • 2 years ago

                When you said that none of them were relevant you were clearly talking about none of them being relevant to the discussion of weight loss you slimy fricking israelite.

              • 2 years ago

                No, I was talking about the post that replied to me, which is obvious to anyone with a basic understanding of social interactions.
                It's nice if you want to talk about some concept that vaguely falls under the same topic, and you are welcome to do so, but do it as a own post instead of trying to shoehorn it into my post for some reason.
                I actually haven't talked about weightloss the whole thread, since the question of how someone gets fat is, if anything, about weightgain. But again, that is besides the point, because all I did was explain the acronym.

  17. 2 years ago

    They're either raised shitty and made fat as children, or like me, you become disenfranchised and depressed and just smoke ciagerettes and eat processed chicken patties, waffles, sugar cereal and frozen ravioli with Jameson's until you accidentally fall in love with the other fatty and now you start eating actual homemade meals and excercise together

    • 2 years ago

      Kek loser

      • 2 years ago

        He may be fat, but at least he's getting laid.
        Actually I don't know about that. He probably can't even find the pussy under all the layers of fat.

  18. 2 years ago

    I could easily become a fatass if I stopped thinking about my body image all the time.
    I just try to resist carbs as much as possible. Its a fricking struggle.

    • 2 years ago

      >I never drink soda
      >I very rarely eat dessert
      I think I'm just used to overeating

  19. 2 years ago

    Lots of soda

  20. 2 years ago

    > I'm out here struggling to eat 1500 calories a day.

    If you have trouble consuming a measly 3 meals of 500 calories per day, you're hopeless. Absolute lost cause. A genetic dead end.

  21. 2 years ago

    From what I've seen a lot of fatties drink their calories, either through beer or soda or more commonly both. I used to know a dude who would drink multiple 2L bottles every day then wonder why he couldn't lose weight. Dude also ate frickloads of food and didn't exercise so IDK why he expected to lose weight in the first place.

  22. 2 years ago

    I could eat 2000 calories in one sitting without even trying, its not that much food especially if you eat things with lots of fat.

  23. 2 years ago

    Snacks and sweetened drinks. Its not the pizzas, burgers etc. that make people fat (although they do help).

  24. 2 years ago

    I know a lot of guys who are completely sedentary and probably need less than 1500 calories a day to retain their current weight.
    They still eat 3 meals a day, at least one soda with lunch, 200-400 calorie snacks twice a day, and 1000 calorie restaraunt dinners multiple times a week.
    Years of that lifestyle will make you fat.

    • 2 years ago

      It takes years to build up insulin resistance to a point where it starts to seriously affect your body. This is why people think that at 30 something magical happens and your body falls apart. What's actually happening is that from age 18 onwards they ate like shit and drank alcohol, and around age 30 the insulin resistance has reached a point where they're fricked.

  25. 2 years ago

    it's easy if you're an alcoholic

  26. 2 years ago

    I was raised by fat people and always had poor quality food to eat and was encouraged to keep eating and never exercise. As an adult, I have never known how it feels to be thin, and it will take great effort to break 25~ years' worth of conditioning (though I am trying.) Surely you can understand this scenario.

  27. 2 years ago

    Insulin resistance caused by a consistently poor diet causes a downward spiral as the presence of insulin in your system prevents your body accessing stores of fat. So the thing making you fat also prevents you from losing fat.

  28. 2 years ago

    They are subhumans

  29. 2 years ago


  30. 2 years ago


    >7 eggs and a bunch of cheese for breakfast
    I'm sorry is that meant to be unhealthy? That's a bunch of saturated fat, dietary cholesterol, and general animal nutrients. That's what you SHOULD be eating.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        You're just wrong.

  31. 2 years ago

    Americans drink 1/3 of their calories
    take the waterpill bros

  32. 2 years ago


    wtf is that smug look lmfao
    very deranged hambeast

    • 2 years ago

      It's lust

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, the shit-eating grins on everybody involved in her insane food intake is pretty shocking to me. All they can do is laugh as he lists off her 15,000 calorie daily diet. Like it's a game for her and them to see how much food she's inhaling.

  33. 2 years ago

    Drinking soda everyday will do it. Add to that doing absolutely no physical activities and you will not be able to fit in size 30 pants without noticing.

  34. 2 years ago

    >Be 6.2, 65KGs
    >Eat double what I used to, putting bananas every morning in my pour age (fill the bowl with pronutro or tasty wheat) + a coffee
    >Skip lunch to triple up on dinner
    >Eat dinner 6:30-7:00
    >break, stretch and boxing workout 9:30-11pm
    >After workout Eat 4 eggs + fry up penny baloney and make a massive toasted sandwich (daily)
    >hour later eat like 2 ramen noodles (daily)
    >been doing this daily, don't drink any sodas, alcohol and I don't smoke
    >Still the same weight

    • 2 years ago

      eat more calorie dense healthy fats you fricking moron. just go ham on some peanut butter, or shit, drink some olive oil

      • 2 years ago

        Most peanut butters are bulked up with hydrogenated seed oils that cause damage to your body. There's no point putting on weight if it's just dead fat.

        • 2 years ago

          then don't buy those peanut butters. just read the ingredient label you fricking braindead subhuman.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm not the guy you were replying to, I'm just acutely aware that most people don't understand the dangers of eating hydrogenated/oxidised fats. It's comparable to tobacco or alcohol in the slow poisonous effect it has on you.

    • 2 years ago

      drink soda, eating heavy sugar foods

    • 2 years ago

      Peanut butter, easy to bulk. Small bowl is 1000+ calories.

    • 2 years ago

      Exercise increases your metabolism and it sounds like you exercise often which gives you a high TDEE. You need to start counting calories in order to truly understand what your intake is.
      t. recovering fatty who is going through the exact opposite process

    • 2 years ago

      put butter in your noodles, drink beer. eat iced creams.

  35. 2 years ago

    beverages, snacking, and sedentary lifestyles
    I've seen fat people that struggle to finish meals because they graze throughout the entire day which adds up

  36. 2 years ago

    >double hamburger
    I hope you mean cheeseburger. Burgerpunk thread again? How's this; a double hamburger from McDonalds isn't the only way you can get a double hamburger and a dubur ain't no frickin 380kcal. The bread alone is almost 300. You beat start getting ur buggas from anothas mon.

    • 2 years ago

      Assuming you're not having a stroke like your post implies, a double hamburger from McDonalds is 320kcal. The bun alone is 140kcal.

  37. 2 years ago

    bacause america are the stupid of moronness

  38. 2 years ago

    If I don't drink booze I can't keep weight on.

  39. 2 years ago

    You have to increase your metabolic rate, which means eating more. Fat people can stay fat even if they don't eat much because their metabolism stays slow. Consider sumo wrestlers who eat a gigantic caloric soup and sleep most of the day, their inactivity leads to fat. If you want to increase your appetite, cut suppressants (caffeine, meds) work out hard, and start adding shakes and shit. If your body needs repair, it will tell you.

  40. 2 years ago

    I got a bit pudgy after dropping out of my local gym for work (and time) related reasons.

  41. 2 years ago

    it happens to people with low self esteem. food is a coping mechanism.

  42. 2 years ago

    A $4 snack bag of Take 5 candy bars is 1500 calories

  43. 2 years ago

    I eat dangerously unhealthy and im still not morbidly obese I am still fat though about 190 lbs. To get fat like OPs pic you have to have a pathological eating disorder or a really REALLY slow metabolism.

  44. 2 years ago

    when i quit smoking broccoli and drinking i needed something to satiate me through the pandemic and being jobless so i sat on my ass and played league of legends and ate ramen/fried food/pizza ALL day for like 18 months

    I went from being 178cm/70kg to 98kg
    or 5'10"/160lbs to around 210lbs

    now im trying to take it back off but im just not satiated by the same amount of food. im living in japan right now too so there's too much temptation. i'll wake up and eat melonpan from the convenience store, then for lunch i'll have a yakisoba dog, then after school i'll get a big bowl of ramen, then at home i'll get a dominos pizza thst night. that's the typical routine and im probably eating 2500cal/day

    if i don't get the pizza or a late night snack though i feel starving

  45. 2 years ago

    They give in to every craving and temptation to eat, no self control and they have excuses for it.

    Either that, or they just don't care.

    • 2 years ago

      >They give in to every craving and temptation to eat, no self control and they have excuses for it.

      ...on what fricking board do you think you are?

      • 2 years ago

        A board with some lardass fast food losers and also some anons who actually know how to cook.

        • 2 years ago

          fair enough...

  46. 2 years ago

    Malt liquor from the gas station beckons

  47. 2 years ago

    Are you really so fricking stupid? Zoomies gonna zoom, I guess.
    You think fat people are fat because of what they eat at meals?
    Fat people are fat because of overconsuming sugar and constant snacking.
    It isn’t the meals that make them fat. It’s the 10 junkfood items they get from vending machines or their pantry between meals that makes them fat.

  48. 2 years ago

    seed oils
    added sugars
    simple carbs

  49. 2 years ago

    People aren’t just eating one item when they go to these places. A quarter pounder is 417 calories, a large fries is 480 calories and a large chocolate milkshake is 468. Together that’s a lot of calories for one meal and obese people are eating multiple fries, multiple burgers, chicken nuggets on the side etc.

    Anyway, it’s not even like fast food is the sole reason, it’s mostly portion control that causes people to put on weight and snacking throughout the day, like a serving of pasta should be some tiny amount like 2 ounces, but people pile their plates up to the brim and then they’re adding sugary sauces on top, drinking soda and then having dessert afterwards as well. It’s a combination of things.

  50. 2 years ago

    Pretty sure it's just constant consumption. Sodas and snacks all the time, no concept of how many calories are in all the shit they're constantly gobbling down

  51. 2 years ago

    THere are 3 types of fats
    >Got fat by eating a ton of food, unlike the other fats this one takes conscious effort to achieve because you must continue overeating after you already physically feel sick to get fat this way. This usually falls into the evil fat archetype
    >Got fat by drinking a ton of soda, this one is basically just a vice that develops absentmindedly, people who care usually can break it pretty easily. These usually become the funny fat archetype
    >Got fat from alcohol. This one is a wild card. If it happened over the age of 40 it's probably just a normal person who had a roughish life, younger than that it's just alcoholism. These usually fall into the sexy fat archetype

    • 2 years ago

      The last one is true most of the time.
      There's a very, very slim chance that that person is a manipulative piece of shit with no impulse control.

  52. 2 years ago

    Practice makes perfect. My parents fed me way, way, way too much food and told me I would die if I didn't get enough in. Sounds stupid I know, but I was a fricking kid, you believe the shit your parents tell you. It took a long time to fix myself and the way I eat. Frick my parents were useless. Mum was right about the israelites though

  53. 2 years ago

    People are dumb and lazy, just like your fricking post. The fact you think McDonalds is solely responsible for fat people is laughable.

    I mean you're right, it's fricking easy to stay within your calories if you count them, but people in general don't count calories and are ignorant to what they're eating. They slowly put on weight over the years and then they do fad diets to try and lose weight, cheat or don't stick to them for the appropriate length of time and then end up quitting and going back to their previous ways of eating, usually binging on all the things they cut out in their stupid diets.

    I mean it's easy to put on weight if you just consume whatever you feel like, you don't have to go to McDonalds and gorge yourself, you just eat regular food but have no concept of calories and no portion control. A massive plateful of spaghetti can easily be over 1000 calories for instance, add in sugary sauces, cheese, bread, snacks, soda, takeaways, etc. It's easy to put on weight over years.

    And again, it's not like fat people don't try and lose weight. I guarantee that anyone whos fat or obese has attempted to lose weight a multitude of times, but the problem is that lets say it's taken them 5 years to become obese, then it's probably going to take them a similar amount of time if not longer to lose the weight unless they do extreme diets and exercise programs, which most people won't do. They instead will try and diet, usually some fad that isn't calorie counting, and then they'll expect instant results and when a month or two months have passed and they haven't lost all their weight and have only lost a few pounds, they lose motivation, get upset and eat more food and they get into these cycles of doing this to their body. Which btw also fricks up their metabolisms in the process. So yeah, it becomes a situation where people get trapped in these situations and then they lack the willpower and dedication to actually get themselves out of it.

  54. 2 years ago

    How do people stay thin? I only have to look at food the wrong way and it seems I pile on the pounds.

    • 2 years ago

      they feel satiated by small amounts of food

  55. 2 years ago

    People over eat in the way others do drugs. Eating things that taste good makes you feel good briefly and you get accustomed to the feeling of being full. If you're not full, not eating something that tastes good, you get cranky, and it becomes a cycle

  56. 2 years ago

    >t. Fatass used to be skinny

  57. 2 years ago

    I'm an alcoholic but but I work a hard trade so under all this extra blubber is a body that will frick you up.

    • 2 years ago

      Violent and obese. lol

  58. 2 years ago

    Morbidly obese anon here, I'm having the time of my life. Even if I was skinny I'd never have a girlfriend anyway so I might as well enjoy eating. There's no reason for me to live a long life since I'm a NEET living on borrowed time until my parents die anyway.

  59. 2 years ago

    All fats are mentally moronic. They gain pleasure from eating yummy things, so their stupid moron animal brains keep smashing that pleasure button until they are 300 lbs.

    • 2 years ago

      Morbidly obese anon here, I'm having the time of my life. Even if I was skinny I'd never have a girlfriend anyway so I might as well enjoy eating. There's no reason for me to live a long life since I'm a NEET living on borrowed time until my parents die anyway.

      Thank you for proving my point lol

  60. 2 years ago

    >americans got so good at packing hundreds of calories into small foods, and being able to sell those foods at a low price
    And the rest is history

  61. 2 years ago

    I drink a whole lot of beer most days of the week. And I love to bake bread.

  62. 2 years ago

    Snack culture and sugar addiction not exercising.
    Eating 3000 calories spread across 6 eating periods is objectively worse than pounding 3000 calories in a sitting once a day. Unless you're bulking.

  63. 2 years ago

    it's all because of fricking soda, sweet tea, and the diabetes in a cup millenials call coffee.
    people will go on exotic food diets of all sorts but will keep chugging their flavored corn syrup like it's water, then blame genetics when they inevitably fail to lose weight.
    guarantee the obesity """epidemic""" would disappear within a decade if the FDA were to set very strict limits on the amount of sugar allowed in drinks.

  64. 2 years ago

    I am slightly overweight and for me it's soda

  65. 2 years ago

    The difference between eating enough to maintain weight and putting on weight doesn't have to be huge. If you're a lazy frick who uses food as entertainment then it's easy to gain.

    My brother is in a constant battle to lose weight, if I spend the day with him he's constantly chewing on something but if I say something about it suddenly it's 'not an average day', they don't even realise they're binging half the time.

  66. 2 years ago

    Add a few Snickers to your diet and you're done. Easy.

  67. 2 years ago

    Anon: Serious question; how the frick do people get fat?

    Literally no one:
    Not even a soul:

    OP: Hold my beer...

  68. 2 years ago

    >Be me, 12 years old
    >Sent to after school center with $20/week
    >Bullied by the kids there
    >Go to burger king instead and do my homework
    >Eat a BK stacker meal with pie
    >Go home and have regular dinner
    >Pantry always overstocked with pop tarts and shit
    >Fridge always stocked with regular soda
    >I am the chubby kid. 250lbs by age 16.

    Then I lost 60lbs

    >Be me, 20 years old
    >Both grandparents die of unrelated causes in the same week
    >Food everywhere
    >So much we had to throw most of it out
    >Go out to eat every day
    >Replace feelings with food
    >Gain 50lbs

    Then I lost 30lbs

    >Be me, 22 years old
    >Can't get a job with a degree, not even a minimum wage job
    >Spend all day at home applying
    >Very sad. Can't afford to do anything.
    >Replace feelings with food
    >Gain 30lbs

    Then I lost 20lbs

    >Be me, 26 years old
    >Dad wants to sell the house
    >Mom threatens to divorce my dad if I move out of her house
    >Locks me out of the house, threatens me daily, screams in my face
    >Move out and my mom sells the house, divorces my dad, and hasn't talked to me in a year.
    >Replace feelings with food
    >Gain 20lbs

    Currently losing weight again. Plan is to lose 40-50. Any time I have a traumatic life event, I eat until I don't feel sad anymore and even losing so much weight so many times, the only thing I've gotten better at is not going above certain limits. I have never been 250 more than once.

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