Tried frying and started a grease fire which ended in 2nd degree burns. Should I just get an air fryer?

Tried frying and started a grease fire which ended in 2nd degree burns.
Should I just get an air fryer?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Just stop cooking. Fast food was invented for you.

  2. 2 years ago

    air fryer is just a small convection oven
    use your oven instead if you have one

    • 2 years ago

      So, do most people not have an oven? Is there a difference between the two? If not, why buy a redundant appliance.

      ah that sucks bro, but now you know. lesson learned

      hope it heals up, im sure that hurt like a b***h

      tbh frying at home is just dangerous like that

      never happened to me but im autistically careful


      Thanks for the encouragement. After Im back up to speed Im gonna get right back up and *eat* that horse.

      >Tried frying and started a grease fire which ended in 2nd degree burns.
      >Should I just get an air fryer?
      If someeone dissected what you did wrong, there is a solution for you.
      The only downside of deep frying is later cooling the oil and deanting it later to an old jar or something, before pitching it.
      Panfrying would only be an issue of you not using something with deep enough sides or which had water or ice crystals on it or walking away from the kitchen or stove, with a hot burner on.

      If you have the countertop space or cabinet storage, and no funds to buy a convection oven, by all means get yourself some device you enjoy using. There are zero downsides to owning what you want to own other than tight space or excessive cleanup concerns. You can line a air fryer with foil and have easy cleanup. if you do frozen crap often, they crisp it for 1-2 people (that's the limit). I have a couple single use devices at my lakehouse, just to use an indoor grill on rainy days, or to press a panini sandwich when I have great baked bread in the house or like crave Cuban food. Bigass kitchen, so don't care about storage there. I still don't own a instantpot, but I do use 2 sizes of a crock pot on the regular to take to work events like the chili cook off, and other made up events we do. Waffle maker with 2 shapes, do it. Food processor just for Christmas cookies, sure! Please yourself.

      Do you have a fire extinguisher graded for grease fires? a pot cover handy right there to slap on the pot, and a working alarm? Get them. I once caused a fire in a significant others apartment that scorched a pot. I whizzed, literally threw the flaming pot off the balcony to a lake below to stop the smoke alarm and smoke which was wired to call the Fire Dept of courses. Bought a new pot for the roommate. Lesson leaned not to let oil in a pan turn to smoke. Also, I don't cook bacon stovetop anymore. Always the microwave. I hate spitting grease.

      Yeah, I was trying to pan fry and I didnt properly know how to gauge the temperature (its my second time frying and the last time my dad mostly did it)

      Well now that this happened Im definitely getting an extinguisher. I threw a box and a half of powder on it to stop it.

      • 2 years ago

        >If not, why buy a redundant appliance.
        Because people are moronic and fall for the marketing

      • 2 years ago

        small air fryers heat up a tiny bit quicker, but because of their size can not cook say a pizza, or roast a turkey
        its aimed at consoomers/bored mothers really

        • 2 years ago

          So, do most people not have an oven? Is there a difference between the two? If not, why buy a redundant appliance.
          Thanks for the encouragement. After Im back up to speed Im gonna get right back up and *eat* that horse.
          Yeah, I was trying to pan fry and I didnt properly know how to gauge the temperature (its my second time frying and the last time my dad mostly did it)

          Well now that this happened Im definitely getting an extinguisher. I threw a box and a half of powder on it to stop it.

          toaster ovens are very useful really, great if i just want a crispy nice snack or something. saves money on electricity too

          • 2 years ago

            enough electricity to justify the manufacture and purchase of a second device to create convection heat?
            the time is the only real benefit

      • 2 years ago

        >So, do most people not have an oven? Is there a difference between the two? If not, why buy a redundant appliance.
        Ratio of heater-space is great, very effective.
        Cheaper to run, lower wattage.
        Auto-off timer, good for drunk 4am freezer food you may forget to eat/switch off.
        While most people have oven, not everyone has fan oven.
        Those are the only good points of the Air Fryer.

        • 2 years ago

          >Cheaper to run, lower wattage.
          irrelevant as a whole new product has to be manufactered, shipped and purchased
          many convection ovens have that feature also
          >While most people have oven, not everyone has fan oven.
          peak consoombrain

    • 2 years ago

      Air fryers usually have bigger, more powerful fans in them.
      I upgraded my countertop convection oven to an oven that has an air fryer mode, and I noticed the crispiness of my oven baked wings are a lot more crispy compared to my old oven.
      But I digress. A dedicated air fryer is gay and I'd rather have a regular convection oven than an air fryer.

  3. 2 years ago

    ah that sucks bro, but now you know. lesson learned

    hope it heals up, im sure that hurt like a b***h

    tbh frying at home is just dangerous like that

    never happened to me but im autistically careful

  4. 2 years ago

    That's monkeypox gay

  5. 2 years ago

    >Tried frying and started a grease fire which ended in 2nd degree burns.
    >Should I just get an air fryer?
    If someeone dissected what you did wrong, there is a solution for you.
    The only downside of deep frying is later cooling the oil and deanting it later to an old jar or something, before pitching it.
    Panfrying would only be an issue of you not using something with deep enough sides or which had water or ice crystals on it or walking away from the kitchen or stove, with a hot burner on.

    If you have the countertop space or cabinet storage, and no funds to buy a convection oven, by all means get yourself some device you enjoy using. There are zero downsides to owning what you want to own other than tight space or excessive cleanup concerns. You can line a air fryer with foil and have easy cleanup. if you do frozen crap often, they crisp it for 1-2 people (that's the limit). I have a couple single use devices at my lakehouse, just to use an indoor grill on rainy days, or to press a panini sandwich when I have great baked bread in the house or like crave Cuban food. Bigass kitchen, so don't care about storage there. I still don't own a instantpot, but I do use 2 sizes of a crock pot on the regular to take to work events like the chili cook off, and other made up events we do. Waffle maker with 2 shapes, do it. Food processor just for Christmas cookies, sure! Please yourself.

    Do you have a fire extinguisher graded for grease fires? a pot cover handy right there to slap on the pot, and a working alarm? Get them. I once caused a fire in a significant others apartment that scorched a pot. I whizzed, literally threw the flaming pot off the balcony to a lake below to stop the smoke alarm and smoke which was wired to call the Fire Dept of courses. Bought a new pot for the roommate. Lesson leaned not to let oil in a pan turn to smoke. Also, I don't cook bacon stovetop anymore. Always the microwave. I hate spitting grease.

    • 2 years ago

      Bruh you sound like a total moron holy shit

  6. 2 years ago

    Also, while Im at it, let me describe how moronic I was in that situation.
    >be me
    >trying to fry
    >put battered chicken bit into the oil to test it
    >still pink
    >turn the heat up and try again
    >even pinker than last time
    >turn heat up again and start looking up how to tell grease temperature without a thermometer
    >see 2 foot tall fire in the pan
    >find towel and put it over the fire
    >flames are reaching the roof
    >open fridge
    >baking soda is in the back of the fridge
    >reach through 12 cans of Bud Light seltzer
    >white christmas.mp4
    >entire house is now covered in smoke

    • 2 years ago

      >put battered chicken bit into the oil to test it
      >still pink
      >turn the heat up and try again
      >even pinker than last time
      Think bro, THINK.

    • 2 years ago

      >the fire rises

    • 2 years ago

      you should get a thermometer.

    • 2 years ago

      >Put battered chicken bit into the oil to test it
      I'm not sure what this means, are you saying you put it in the oil for some amount of time and it was still pink inside or are you saying you dipped it in and it was pink? I'm still kind of confused as to how all of this happened.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, I put it in and the outside burnt before the inside cooked.

        >imagine not being able to manage your oil temperature while deep frying by sight and sound alone
        I've been been making french fries and kettle chips at home since I was like 14, and I have never once checked my oil temperature with a thermometer.

        Well it was the first time frying alone. Im used to being able to make things with a lot more time on my hands with more time to easily correct mistakes.

        Clean your fridge.

        What are you even using that baking soda for? Do you use it for anything? Do you understand that any filth it soaks up will be put into whatever you use the baking soda for? The people saying you shouldn't be deep frying are wrong, you aren't even capable of basic self-government. You should be fricking ashamed of yourself.

        No, its just there to stop smell problems, we dont use it for any cooking, there's a separate box for that.

        • 2 years ago

          >The outside burnt before the inside cooked
          That means your oil is too hot my man, not too cold. Turning up the heat was the wrong call. Try dropping some batter into the oil next time, if it bubbles you're good to go.

    • 2 years ago

      >imagine not being able to manage your oil temperature while deep frying by sight and sound alone
      I've been been making french fries and kettle chips at home since I was like 14, and I have never once checked my oil temperature with a thermometer.

    • 2 years ago

      >baking soda is in the back of the fridge

      For what reason?

      • 2 years ago

        soaks the stank

        • 2 years ago

          Clean your fridge.

          What are you even using that baking soda for? Do you use it for anything? Do you understand that any filth it soaks up will be put into whatever you use the baking soda for? The people saying you shouldn't be deep frying are wrong, you aren't even capable of basic self-government. You should be fricking ashamed of yourself.

          • 2 years ago


            >baking soda is in the back of the fridge

            For what reason?

            How is it possible that you have never heard about using baking soda in the fridge?

      • 2 years ago

        Clean your fridge.

        What are you even using that baking soda for? Do you use it for anything? Do you understand that any filth it soaks up will be put into whatever you use the baking soda for? The people saying you shouldn't be deep frying are wrong, you aren't even capable of basic self-government. You should be fricking ashamed of yourself.

        Get ready for bed so you dont loose the bus for school tomorrow

  7. 2 years ago

    You should start by being less a homosexual.

  8. 2 years ago

    It happens, try again homie, that ain't shit. My dumbass sister cut half her pinky off bartending and she still does it. If it makes you feel any better I started a grease fire myself a couple years back and I poured water on the motherfricker and you know what happened next, my sister had to save my moronic ass by just putting a lid over it because she was cooking way before I really started trying. Like learning literally any other skill it's going to take some moronic mistakes, wasted ingredients, and bad dishes before you get any gud. It really shouldn't take long to get competent however, assuming you're brand new if you can't fry an egg within a few days then you should probably throw in the towel.

    • 2 years ago

      >My dumbass sister cut half her pinky off bartending
      How does that happen? Was she chopping lemons and forgot to move her hand out of the way?

      • 2 years ago

        Actually it was an orange

  9. 2 years ago

    you wont be able to fry anything battered on an air fryer

    • 2 years ago

      My wife wouldn't fit in there anyway

  10. 2 years ago

    Just buy a cheap deep fryer. They're mostly idiot proof

    • 2 years ago

      deep driers suck ass. they need so much oil and stinks up the kitchen a lot. worthless unless you plan on using it almost every day

  11. 2 years ago

    you should get some gloves, moron

  12. 2 years ago

    you shouldn't deep fry at home

  13. 2 years ago

    If you don't master oil frying first your LUNGS will look like that from an improperly used air fryer.

    • 2 years ago

      >when the fried air hits just right

  14. 2 years ago

    Stick your dick in the toaster, OP. It feels amazing

  15. 2 years ago

    Lol do people really start fires when cooking? Like a pan catching fire? I was convinced this is an american movie thing lol.

    • 2 years ago

      Dumbass probably dropped something too wet / too fast into the oil

  16. 2 years ago

    Keep trying and one day you'll become the grease bender.

  17. 2 years ago

    Dont stop doing something just because you made a mistake and hurt yourself, learn from your moment of moronation and come back a better man than before.

    Get well soon and get a thermometer

  18. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      How did he not burn himself?

  19. 2 years ago

    The heat of the fire cooks the skin

    • 2 years ago

      the heat of the skin cooks the fryer

  20. 2 years ago

    Last weekend I had a pan in the oven and after I put it on the counter to get some sauce I fully grabbed the handle and got second degree burns on my palm

  21. 2 years ago

    Get a damned thermometer and don’t overheat your oil.

  22. 2 years ago

    >Should I just get an air fryer?
    Air fryer is bad for your hands, i would recommend getting some burn ache ointment and a gauze

  23. 2 years ago

    no, just learn to cook

    • 2 years ago

      Ok Tim cook

      • 2 years ago

        >failing at what humanity has been doing for tens of thousands of years
        i just feel sad for you

      • 2 years ago


        High sided pot, moron. Do you shit in a toilet with sides just above water level?

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