Why did food have so much more sovl in the 90s?

Why did food have so much more sovl in the 90s?

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  1. 2 years ago

    I know this is a repeated thread here, but for some reason I feel like typing out a legitimate answer

    1) Everything had more soul in the 90s. People were more creative, everyone's nose wasn't permanently in their phones. There was still some local businesses and chains had to be flashy to stand out. Bright colors were in in the 80s and kind of bled into the 90s.
    2) People were better parents back then. Kids these days get thrown an ipad when they sit down at a restaurant so they 'behave' and there is really no point in creating something visually stimulating to a child.
    3) These days, because of capitalism or whatever you want to blame, lots of these chains have taken over small privately owned businesses. Every town is the same. Wendys Taco Bell McDonalds Famous Daves BBQ Applebees and Hooters. You can have anything you want in any town in america as long as its from those places (you get the point). McDonalds and Chipotle for example are owned by the same company and don't want to deal with lawsuits and liabilities so they've taken out the play-scapes and implemented soulless buildings that can be repurposed for another one of their chain restaurants.
    4) Companies bottom line is all that matters, and stakeholders and big wigs only care about money, so they slowly chop away at quality to make more money until they actually end up ruining the restaurant because prices are high and quality goes down. Panera bread is a shining example. Aint no one paying 19$ for a sandwhich and cup of soup when the lunchmeat is all slimy and the customer witnesses you take the soup out of a frozen bag and pour it in a pot.

    • 2 years ago

      >People were better parents back then
      Every story I hear about back then is like "I had 5 siblings and and we were poor as frick, the highlight of our day was when our drunk parents came home and beat the piss out of us over nothing. Yeah, those were the days.."

      • 2 years ago

        Sounds like you were friends with poor shitty degenerates that grew up in a trailer or something. By better, I mean they generally took their kids out to be able to play, for instance at a McDonalds play scape or took them to fairs and let them experience elephant ears. Every millenial/genz parent I know seems to just throw their kids ipads or the past 2 years its been 'WERE STAYING HOME AND STAYING SAFE' believe it or not I know liberal morons still concerned over covid. When I was at the zoo last weekend there were parents trying to force masks on toddlers. Its insanity.

      • 2 years ago

        They beat us so we'd not be confused about our gender, and it worked.

        • 2 years ago

          My wife is pregnant. People keep asking us what the gender is and I keep telling them STOP ASKING. DON'T YOU WATCH THE NEWS. WE WON'T KNOW UNTIL ITS 5 AND ITS KINDERGARDEN TEACHER TELLS US goddamn I mean its 2022 come on people are in the stone ages on this stuff

      • 2 years ago

        you're thinking of the 50s

        • 2 years ago

          Actually I was born in the late 80s and had that exact experience with my boomer parents.

      • 2 years ago

        Maybe other people had shitty parents.
        Mine took me to pizza hut for the free pan pizza because my grades were good, after thst we went to the circus that was in town, then on the ride back they gave me Pokémon Blue. I had amazing parents 🙂

    • 2 years ago

      thank you for taking out the time to write this terrible post

      • 2 years ago

        Anytime, anon. I love you.

    • 2 years ago

      >I was a kid and not yet a miserable frick who hates corporations because evil

      • 2 years ago

        I don't hate corporations man. I'm just trying to answer OP's question. More soul = less corporatism, more privately owned restaurants and the chains that did exist weren't a copy paste of the next town overs....

        You seem to be miserable and just want to troll people. Its okay anon, go ahead. I can take it. I'm used to spergging out incels like you. Thats why I visit Culinaly, to help your ilk so you don't shoot up another parade or grocery store

    • 2 years ago

      DAMN homie
      I ain't readin all that shit

    • 2 years ago

      I mean when youd go to a resturaunt in the 90s youd have a coloring book for the kids. Which may or may not work. I love to draw so it worked for me. Id even draw on the paper tablecloth

    • 2 years ago

      It didn't. You've just done nothing interesting with your life since then.

      A lot of this is the case, but it always comes back to life being what you make of it. If you spend your time going to the same shitty fast food restaurants, or even local restaurants, and expecting everything to stay the same, you're an idiot.

      Sounds like you were friends with poor shitty degenerates that grew up in a trailer or something. By better, I mean they generally took their kids out to be able to play, for instance at a McDonalds play scape or took them to fairs and let them experience elephant ears. Every millenial/genz parent I know seems to just throw their kids ipads or the past 2 years its been 'WERE STAYING HOME AND STAYING SAFE' believe it or not I know liberal morons still concerned over covid. When I was at the zoo last weekend there were parents trying to force masks on toddlers. Its insanity.

      I credit the success of myself and my siblings to my parents not letting us grow up in fast food restaurants and the other typical schlock that parents use to keep their kids occupied. We had loads of fun growing up, but it rarely, if ever, involved the kind of shit that people in these threads pine over. In fact, those activities are still fun today because they don't rely on Buy n Large to keep us entertained.

      • 2 years ago

        Please refrain from posting in the future.

    • 2 years ago

      Thank you for taking the time to write out this insightful and well reasoned post.

    • 2 years ago

      >McDonalds and Chipotle for example are owned by the same company

      Lol this shit isn't true. Mcstankys pulled out like a decade ago

      • 2 years ago

        It really doesn't make any difference who the owners are. Once a company reaches a certain size and becomes publicly traded with a controlling board, there are no "owners". This is usually the point where a company loses its soul. At one time, this would cause them to become focused on profit over all else. These days, they are becoming infested with new executives and board members who value political agenda even more than profit. This is part of what this anon talks about:

        Cheerfulness and differentiation were the strategies of the era. The modern era trends heavily towards conformity and "minimalism" aka sterility. Haircuts, the aesthetic of businesses, the aesthetic of devices, all these things have coalesced into a uniform, undifferentiated dystopian society.
        It's so bad that even the counter culture types can be clearly recognised by their uniform ways of signalling their counter culture identity, thus still conforming to the overall sterility of society. This was the ultimate goal of gloablism, to create a global monoculture that could be manipulated by the same trends and societal standards to create predictable markets to do business in. Enjoy as much of your life while you still can anon, it's only going to get worse.

        It's funny that, as these places get worse, the monoculture is leading towards increasing reliance on commercialized sources of food. People who grow their own food are starting to get looked down upon for not conforming. Part of it is the globohomosexual agenda, but it's also a degree of frustration over their own inadequacy. They look at people who even have something as simple as a backyard garden, and they recognize their own inability to care for even the basic needs of themselves or their families. Instead of weaning themselves off of the corporate tit, they try to attack and tear down others, and sink deeper into the clutches of their corporate and government masters.

        Please refrain from posting in the future.

        I am everywhere. I am legion.

    • 2 years ago

      Culinaly midwittery: the post

      • 2 years ago

        Hey there bub, its the guy you were replying to.

        You're insinuating people's IQ who you've never met on an anonymous mongolian basket weaving forum. First of all, who is the really dummy here when you think about that lol? Please get a grip. Second of all, I know you only insult me and imply you are smarter than me (and probably the rest of us) because you have low self esteem and bored and in your 20s and you think its cool and funny. It gets old after a while. Just speaking from experience (former member of the GNAA and oldgay here). Its okay. I'm a veteran in the sense of trolling, I can take whatever slur you throw my way and I'm just glad there are still men in their young 20s whos brains aren't fried out on benzos or adhd meds or whatever the frick they give you curly haired no cap fr fr zoom zooms that still have enough balls to actually try to have a shred of masculinity. Continue on with your low brow mocking of me. If nothing else it is quite entertaining and I need a laugh today, its been rough so far.


      • 2 years ago

        he's right though

  2. 2 years ago

    Because people weren't too busy blaming restaurants for their porky-ass dipshit kids getting fat. Instead they encouraged kids to go the frick outside

  3. 2 years ago

    Cheerfulness and differentiation were the strategies of the era. The modern era trends heavily towards conformity and "minimalism" aka sterility. Haircuts, the aesthetic of businesses, the aesthetic of devices, all these things have coalesced into a uniform, undifferentiated dystopian society.
    It's so bad that even the counter culture types can be clearly recognised by their uniform ways of signalling their counter culture identity, thus still conforming to the overall sterility of society. This was the ultimate goal of gloablism, to create a global monoculture that could be manipulated by the same trends and societal standards to create predictable markets to do business in. Enjoy as much of your life while you still can anon, it's only going to get worse.

  4. 2 years ago

    but it's just ugly you stupid zoomer

  5. 2 years ago

    I just noticed the prime truck in the background. How did this Burger King escape the upgrade renovation resolution

  6. 2 years ago

    It was always the same
    >t. someone who actually lived in the 90s

  7. 2 years ago

    Had to redesign shit to keep the urban fauna from nesting.

  8. 2 years ago

    honestly is cause fast food restaurants were for a younger crowd
    today older crowd eats fast food

  9. 2 years ago

    If fast food places looked minimalist and used neutral colors in the 90s you would be complaining about how modern ones are all gaudy and the colors don't match, and call them soulless.

  10. 2 years ago

    Shit was souless in the 90s. You were just a dumb kid who was both not exposed to everything yet, so even humdrum experiences, novel and you probably weren't burdened/jaded by what life can throw at you.

  11. 2 years ago

    All sovl was lost on January 1st, 2000 at 12:00 AM. I still remember watching the ball drop and I even felt a tingling sensation which was the purity of the world leaving and draining my mental fortitude. I started getting extremely depressed and suicidial instantly. Little did I know we were creeping into the new hell that we are living in now.

  12. 2 years ago

    I hate restaurants that look like this. Its evil and wrong.

  13. 2 years ago

    cuz in the 90s fast food joints were where you took your family
    now every fast food joint is empty except for
    >lunchtime invasion of 100 tradesmen and construction workers
    >3am crackheads and drunks
    >boomers getting cheap coffee and a free newspaper on a Sunday morning

  14. 2 years ago

    no algorithms to tell company execs what to do (exactly the same as literally every other fastfood restaurant)

  15. 2 years ago

    >amazon truck with modern logo
    i get your point though. maybe they tried to target kids with their fun colors. kind of glad the ball pits are gone. absolutely disgusting.

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