Anons,. I recently moved back in with my parents.

I recently moved back in with my parents. Sometimes I don't want to go downstairs to eat because of crazy stuff my mom is doing or dad is mad, etc.
What are some foods that you typically keep in your room to avoid roommates/parents? I don't mean snacks like chips, little debbies, or whatever, I mean what is some good solid meals (preferably with meat). I'm looking for suggestions and to try something new. I don't have a refrigerator or microwave up stairs to i'm pretty limited to canned/packaged food.
Some examples of food I have been keeping:
>baked beans
>corn beef hash
>peanut butter, saltines
>vienna sausages
>slim jims
>canned peaches
>beanie weenies
>canned mac and cheese

This stuff isn't really cutting it though or I'm getting tired of it. You guys have any favorites for keeping in your room?

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  1. 2 months ago

    I moved back in once after college. That lasted 4 days until me and my dad were ready to kill each other. Then after I got out of the army I spent 2 days with them while looking for an apartment and again I almost killed my dad.

    I have no idea how anyone can live with their parents after they turn 18.

    • 2 months ago

      most parents are cool with their kids living with them as long as they are employeed and on track to moving out.
      once you hit 40 or so you just need to flip the dynamic so your 70+ year old parents are living with you.

      • 2 months ago

        >once you hit 40 or so you just need to flip the dynamic so your 70+ year old parents are living with you.
        thing is, in theory this sounds right but realistically you're still just living with your parents.
        buddy of mine has been huffing the "my parents live with me!!!1" copium for like 10 years now and he still has to drop everything at a moments notice to do chores when his mom barks at him

        • 2 months ago

          This. There's just something very potent about the way their words hit. Sure, you can train yourself to be somewhat immunized to it (you certainly don't have to end up being one of these absolute mama's boys with literal Stockholm Syndrome), but you're only going to get so far.

        • 2 months ago

          Depends on who owns the house. My best friend lets his mother live with him but he's married with three kids and owns the house. She has a daylight basement apartment and no say in how the house is run. In full role reversal, he does have to yell at her from time to time when she does something stupid that she knows she shouldn't be doing.

          • 2 months ago

            it really doesnt
            like i said, my buddy owns the house but ever since his folks moved in with him they basically call the shots.
            he's 40yo and has to drop whatever he's doing at a second's notice when his mom calls him to do X or Y, and he's not allowed to do anything without her permission first

            • 2 months ago

              We heard you the first time.

      • 2 months ago

        >once you hit 40 or so you just need to flip the dynamic so your 70+ year old parents are living with you.
        thing is, in theory this sounds right but realistically you're still just living with your parents.
        buddy of mine has been huffing the "my parents live with me!!!1" copium for like 10 years now and he still has to drop everything at a moments notice to do chores when his mom barks at him

        kinda makes me feel nice that both of my parents would still be in their 60s when I turn 40

    • 2 months ago

      most parents love their children. I've lived with my dad since I was 20 and I pay like 70% of the bills.

    • 2 months ago

      Your either groomed for people pleasing or have enough self confidence to not do it. Be grateful.

    • 2 months ago

      >me and my dad
      No wonder he hates you. He paid for college and you didn't learn shit

      • 2 months ago

        I'm sure you frick this one up in the other direction (using 'I' when it is, in fact, 'me'), people like you always do. In any case, have sex.

    • 2 months ago

      >I have no idea how anyone can live with their parents after they turn 18.
      people that dont want to live in hostels for ~6 to 12 months while looking for their own place during a housing crisis often have no choice.

    • 2 months ago

      just live in the guest/rec house that's not connected to the main house.

      I recently moved back in with my parents. Sometimes I don't want to go downstairs to eat because of crazy stuff my mom is doing or dad is mad, etc.
      What are some foods that you typically keep in your room to avoid roommates/parents? I don't mean snacks like chips, little debbies, or whatever, I mean what is some good solid meals (preferably with meat). I'm looking for suggestions and to try something new. I don't have a refrigerator or microwave up stairs to i'm pretty limited to canned/packaged food.
      Some examples of food I have been keeping:
      >baked beans
      >corn beef hash
      >peanut butter, saltines
      >vienna sausages
      >slim jims
      >canned peaches
      >beanie weenies
      >canned mac and cheese

      This stuff isn't really cutting it though or I'm getting tired of it. You guys have any favorites for keeping in your room?

      theres lots of different noodle bowls you can get at costco. microwave them directly or get a kettle for hot water. if you're feeling like a true hikki neet chad, get an airfryer and make tendies, nuggies, fries, ect. use the money you save on rent to get a fridge/freezer.

      • 2 months ago

        >just live in the guest/rec house
        This might be difficult to believe but some of us don't have one of those.

    • 2 months ago

      Families outside America usually like each other.

  2. 2 months ago

    God sent you home to heal all wounds. It is a blessing. Make them food that they like. No need to be a shrinking violet.

  3. 2 months ago

    That's fricked up man. Firstly I would try to be less of a b***h and take control of your dysfunctional household. You have some stake in the household even if you don't own the house. As an adult male, it's your responsibility to show your strength of character to your parents. Once they see that you're actually a man and not a helpless weakling, they will back off and respect you.

    If that's not an option then get a hot plate and live college dorm style.
    Keep in your room
    >fast boil noodles, 10 minute rice
    >canned meats/tuna on
    >some condiments like mayo and ketchup don't really need refrigeration.
    >Japanese curry cubes make make plain rice pretty good
    >small pot and plan, 1 bowl/plate and 1 fork/spoon in the room
    >wash dishes in the bathroom.
    Maybe you can save up a hundred bucks for a used mini refrigerator so you can eat something other than canned shit. But, seriously, your first priority should be to sort out your parents. If you are in your 20s, they can't do anything to you. Realize that you have to become strong enough to support them as they become crazy in their old age. That includes putting your foot down and being the adult in the dynamic.

    • 2 months ago

      I think it would be easier if you just smoothed things over with your parents or moved out rather than living like you're in a bomb shelter. You're basically cutting all the fresh food out of your life. It'll make it hard for you to get adequate nutrition and frick up your mental health if you're not careful.

      But anyway, buy some dried fruits and pickled vegetables like sauerkraut. Your body needs vitamin c daily.

      Not OP but I'm a neet myself and my solution to this kind of issue has been to just cook for the house, my cooking game has gotten insane the last couple years because my only value in the world and the only way I keep the folks off my ass is by cooking hard as hell every day. I also arranged my sleep schedule so I go to bed just before they wake up to minimize contact time. I also OMAD so there's no need to cross paths at any time other than dinner time.

      • 2 months ago

        That's pretty funny, you're navigating NEETdom like a small country stuck between big ones navigates foreign policy.

        • 2 months ago

          Could be worse, lot of neets purely leech. It soothes local tensions to contribute something and it's quite real, the folks can't cook for shit and don't want to learn but they appreciate having good food. Plus it plays into the neet is comfy, neet is cool larp about using all that free time to "work on your hobbies" which for me is cooking.

      • 2 months ago

        Based. I do almost the exact same thing as a fellow NEET but I have to have more contact with my mom than you because she's getting old and needs help with household stuff. I hate NEETs who don't cook, clean, or do anything for thier patrons. OP needs to stop being a fricking gay and do stuff for his parents as long they're taking care of him. And eating in your bedroom is just plain disgusting. The kitchen or dining room table is the eating zone.

        • 2 months ago

          >is a neet incapable of doing anything except basic chores
          get a grip loser

          • 2 months ago

            Clean your bathroom and kitchen you disgusting slob. I know they're both filthy.

      • 2 months ago

        I do this, except I also go to grad school and pretend to look for jobs/pretend to be a substitute teacher. I do the minimum required days and pretend to go the rest of the time. I buy groceries with the interest from my investments and cook a ton of weird shit that everyone likes because it's ready when they get home. I make weird shit also like blackened salmon caesar salad with real caesar dressing. I just eat the other anchovies on a frozen pizza.

        • 2 months ago

          >pretend to go the rest of the time
          What do you do while pretending to work? I might involved with this soon, start a part time job and pretend to be full time.

          • 2 months ago

            get an easy full time job so you can get paid to pretend to work half the time

          • 2 months ago

            I say I go and don't. It's really easy as a substitute since you can go half days and they call you all the time about jobs. I just say I'm going for the second part of the day all the time. Being in grad school means I can say "oh, sorry, gotta go to campus" even though I'm only taking one or two classes at most.

            Basically I'm just dragging my heels as slowly as possible.

            • 2 months ago

              >don't go
              And they just don't notice that you're still home? Anyway I definitely played the "have to be on campus constantly haha" game a lot and just shitposted and played slay the spire 12 hours a day from the library

              • 2 months ago

                They aren't home.

          • 2 months ago

            I used to work freelance but pretended it was a full time and was out of the house 9-5 everyday, work or no work. I live in a big city so it was very easy to spend hours at museums I had never been at because they're crowded during the weekend or shitposting on my phone at cafes, but if you live in a small town you could perhaps get a part time in a place where you can loiter at too, like a library or college campus.

        • 2 months ago

          A cheap electric kettle would allow you to have hot beverages and do instant ramen, mashed taters, and some Mac n cheese. Depending on the setup of your house you may want to avoid actual cooking devices if food smell will bother your parents. Also canned chicken breast isn’t too bad.

          Looks tasty, would eat.

    • 2 months ago

      Add in vegetables you can keep in old cleaned-out yogurt containers of water on the window sill, like green onions for your noodles/rice/whatever. If the room gets good sunlight you can grow a lot of things in old containers on shelves or grow walls, just sneak out for water after everyone's asleep and keep it in a watering can or something. OP just has to make sure he's not utterly moronic about incorrect keeping so he doesn't get saddled with water damage, mold or fungus gnat infestations.

      Then again, we don't know how long he's going to be stuck like this, and at some point he's going to have to reflect on the fact that he's become an indoor vegetable farmer just to avoid working out his familial issues.

  4. 2 months ago

    I think it would be easier if you just smoothed things over with your parents or moved out rather than living like you're in a bomb shelter. You're basically cutting all the fresh food out of your life. It'll make it hard for you to get adequate nutrition and frick up your mental health if you're not careful.

    But anyway, buy some dried fruits and pickled vegetables like sauerkraut. Your body needs vitamin c daily.

  5. 2 months ago

    Fattie detected

  6. 2 months ago

    how embarrassing

  7. 2 months ago

    You gotta get a minifridge and microwave or toaster oven. Very worth it for this situation and good to have if you should ever move out again too. You seem to have most of the basics covered, there's a lot of other good stuff that is similar to what you have listed like other kinds of fruit besides peaches, refried beans easy and there's the classic canned chili although that's getting to be pointlessly expensive by now.

    Besides that I'd say the most obvious omission is bread, or other bread-like products. They always have discount "we baked too much" donuts at my local walmart bakery, those keep basically indefinitely and are extremely calorie dense although they fail the "with meat" criteria. Still, bread is a serious staple and will help stretch your spam and beans a lot further than some saltine crackers. You can also do cheese, especially hard cheeses like parmesan or something will keep at room temp for quite a while. Jams jellies and preserves also keep for ages even without refrigeration. I also like the based Summer Sausages, pic related, these keep at room temp more or less forever. Some other suggestions
    >granola bars
    >protein bars
    >jerky (this shits expensive but its good)
    >mixed nuts
    >canned fish (tuna, deenz)
    >dried fruit
    You can also make oats, especially instant, just by soaking at room temp for a while with water. Doesn't have to be "cooked" for any kind of reason.

  8. 2 months ago

    Chef Boyardi my fellow homosexual

  9. 2 months ago

    These are really good, there's about six kinds and they're tasty and make a nice small meal. I keep them in my desk at work for days I don't bring or buy anything else for lunch.

  10. 2 months ago

    Get an electric frying pan. You can use an upside down baking sheet as a heat sink if necessary.
    Can cook anything you want.

  11. 2 months ago

    Pay some fricking bills and earn yourself some respect. They'll leave you alone.

  12. 2 months ago

    >recently moved back in with my parents

  13. 2 months ago

    Tuna and Deenz or grow up and be a man.

  14. 2 months ago

    dude make a biltong box, that shit is so cash

  15. 2 months ago

    OPSurely is a fatass.

    He has no interest in canned tuna or grannola bars.

    He wants hot pockets and snickers bars.

    OP, if i was you, i would bite the bullet and get me either a microwave or a small toaster oven or both.

    Now that i think of it, forget about the toaster oven. You dont have easy refridgeration and cant keep pizzas or fish fingers frozen.

    Go with the mikrowave.

  16. 2 months ago

    Shut ins must be dragged out into the garden by force.

  17. 2 months ago

    Just don't even bother man, I tried living like this and my coffee machine ended up starting a bathroom fire and leaving me and ma homeless
    Just go downstairs

  18. 2 months ago

    >I recently moved back in with my parents
    I'd rather be homeless (desu)

  19. 2 months ago

    Cook several days worth of food like a stew, curry, etc. then keep it in the fridge and you only have to grab a bowl at a time. Just go downstairs late at night and do your cooking a few times a week.

  20. 2 months ago

    They aren't meals but just some ideas:
    >shelf stable milk and fruit/applesauce cups
    >garlic bread from the bakery section of the grocery store and a tiny jar of pizza sauce to dip it in
    >small block of cheese
    >sub sandwich bought that day
    >pudding cups
    >kipper snacks or other canned fish (keep a ziplock bag to put anything the fish touches inside)
    >canned tamales and refried beans
    >packaged meals from the deli area in the grocery store bought that day
    >hummus/dip cups
    >buy a rotisserie chicken and portion a couple of ziplock bags worth of it and put it somewhere in the fridge for yourself that you can easily grab and leave the rest for your parents

  21. 2 months ago

    >beef jerky
    >cheeze its
    >olympic mix
    >salted cashews

  22. 2 months ago

    OP here, thanks so far for the suggestions
    Also wanted to say that I do go downstairs all the time, I do cook for my parents, etc. But if you notice in my post, I said SOMETIMES I don't want to go downstairs. Sometimes my parents are arguing over stupid shit, mom is acting crazy (like literally crazy, she's on lots of meds), dad can get mad over little things so I just avoid him when he is mad, and sometimes I drink and don't want to be around them drunk. I want to keep food in my room for those times. I'm not sitting in my room for weeks at a time.
    I am fat though

    • 2 months ago

      That makes it easier then. Save leftovers in the refrigerator or have a sandwich premade and if you get the sense you won't want to be downstairs, you can grab the food and head up to your room.

    • 2 months ago

      >I am fat though
      That's a problem right there. I mean, these days most people are fat. But you're more likely to make a greater impression if you are not. It even works on parents. Especially boomers.

    • 2 months ago

      >sometimes I drink and don't want to be around them drunk
      This is why I do the signature neet sleep schedule. They get up at maybe 7am and go to bed at about 11. So I go to bed at about 5-6am and start drinking at 10:30 at the earliest. Gives me an easy 6 hours to crush cans without interference.

    • 2 months ago

      >I am fat though
      Don't be fat.

  23. 2 months ago

    >What are some foods that you typically keep in your room to avoid roommates/parents?
    I just don't eat, or fill the void with seltzer water, if I'm avoiding people.
    It works out well.

  24. 2 months ago

    Just don't eat. I purposefully keep snacks out of my room. That's why I'm ottermode and you're a fatty. Learn to ignore hunger, tell your stomach to stop being hungry you'll eat later, and it works sometimes. It builds character.
    As for your parents, learn to hate them and look down on them so their antics don't bother you anymore. Not hate-hate but a healthy detached hatred.

  25. 2 months ago

    >scared of mommy
    What a hellish existence, I recommend eating drain cleaner as a meal in your room

  26. 2 months ago

    The best approach is to put an address sign on your bedroom door.... like if your house is at 1234 Anon Street, put up a sign that says "1234 Apartment B". Then mail yourself a registered letter at that address. It will be awkward when the mailman knocks on your door and walks up to your room, but after the Postal Service makes a delivery, then your room is legally a separate domicile, and you can have Doordash, Ubereats, etc, delivered, and your parents cannot interfere without risking enforcement by the US Marshalls Servie, possibly even jail time. (It's called White Castle Doctrine.) The bathroom is a separate issue but most Sovereign Citizen blogs agree that "if you gotta go, you gotta go" and you are entitled to slap-fight your way to relief.

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