Anyone else here get sick after eating food with tocopherols in it?

Anyone else here get sick after eating food with tocopherols in it?

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  1. 2 months ago

    >Dude they're just chemicals, I bet you're scared of dihydrogen monoxide
    >*gets colon cancer*

    • 2 months ago

      The issue is your inability to articulate the issue precisely
      You should say "this contains [SPECIFIC THING THAT IS BAD] and that is bad for this reason", instead of "it's got chemicals" like a moron

      • 2 months ago

        explain why they're bad without using any Culinaly buzzwords

        it's possible to know that something is probably bad for you without knowing exactly why

        • 2 months ago

          >it's possible to know that something is probably bad for you without knowing exactly why
          yeah...if your IQ is 80 and below

        • 2 months ago

          Have you ever noticed that it always rains when the streets are wet? I think wet streets cause rain.

        • 2 months ago

          No. No. You can't "know that something is probably bad for you"; you can GUESS that something is PROBABLY bad for you. "know" and "probably" are incompatible words.

          • 2 months ago

            I know you're probably very autistic.

          • 2 months ago

            I just know when something ain’t right. Around my neck of the woods we call that bullshit detecting. If you gotta problem with that we can take it outside alright Gary?

        • 2 months ago

          You can at best guess. Epigenetic instinct can make you figure out that bright, hot thing called "fire" is something you probably shouldn't stick your body in, but that is not the same as "me no get big word on list, me scared".

      • 2 months ago

        >"invent" new thing
        >really chemical waste
        >throws it in your food
        >approved because your megaconglomorate c-suite is the director and auditor of the FDA and EPA like musical chairs
        >dumb prole like you: "uhh you should know how every type of chemical waste affects the body as they're rolled out by men who hate you and want you dead"
        We're not playing high school debate club, we're at war

        • 2 months ago

          >vitamin E is a new thing
          You are the dumbest Black person of life.

        • 2 months ago

          Breddy mush

          >vitamin E is a new thing
          You are the dumbest Black person of life.

          >synthesized food preservatives and additives are all benign and chinese lab created isomers of natural food components discovered in 1922 are just the same as the naturally derived ones...
          Oh the Ironing!
          Fricking retread.

        • 2 months ago

          >men who hate you and want you dead
          they want your money, moron
          you are not living in an epic video game or comic book; reality's true terror is a mundane one

          • 2 months ago

            No, they want to rule over us. The money is just how they do it.

    • 2 months ago

      >family has genetic history of colon cancer

      • 2 months ago

        tobacco companies used to claim that people with lung cancer were predisposed to smoke

      • 2 months ago

        It's not genetic. It's your/their shit diet and unhealthy habits (drinking, smoking, etc.)

  2. 2 months ago

    No, never. Have you?

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        Huh. Sounds like a (You) problem. Maybe you should avoid those.

  3. 2 months ago

    Apparently they're found in eggs and leafy vegetables, so I'd say you're overreacting.

  4. 2 months ago

    explain why they're bad without using any Culinaly buzzwords

  5. 2 months ago

    its literally vitamin E you moron, might as well drop most foods because almost everything has it

    • 2 months ago

      The lab produced synthetic mixed tocopherols from china they were adding as preservative to dog and cat foods were killing them off in droves for a while back in 2018-2020.
      If they are naturally derived, they shouldn't be a problem at all--but I have a hard time trusting large food conglomerates to favor healthier over profit margins.

      This is shitty and simple minded reasoning.
      There are at least 6 different variations of naturally occurring tocopherols, and just as many synthetic isomers that have highly destructive/poisonous qualities, and that's IF the final product is actually CLEAN and PURE,(do you suppose it is?)
      >Naturally sourced d-α-tocopherol can be extracted and purified from seed oils, or γ-tocopherol can be extracted, purified, and methylated to create d-alpha-tocopherol. In contrast to α-tocopherol extracted from plants, which also is called d-α-tocopherol, industrial synthesis creates dl-α-tocopherol. "It is synthesized from a mixture of toluene and 2,3,5-trimethyl-hydroquinone that reacts with isophytol to all-rac-α-tocopherol, using iron in the presence of hydrogen chloride gas as a catalyst. The reaction mixture obtained is filtered and extracted with aqueous caustic soda. Toluene is removed by evaporation and the residue (all rac-α-tocopherol) is purified by vacuum distillation." Specification for the ingredient is >97% pure. This synthetic dl-α-tocopherol has approximately 50% of the potency of d-α-tocopherol. Manufacturers of dietary supplements and fortified foods for humans or domesticated animals convert the phenol form of the vitamin to an ester using either acetic acid or succinic acid because the esters are more chemically stable, providing for a longer shelf-life. The ester forms are de-esterified in the gut and absorbed as free α-tocopherol.
      **Note how this is dependent on having a healthy gut flora, a thing most people who eat a diet with highly processed foods, or soaked in artificial sweeteners DO NOT HAVE.

      • 2 months ago

        Interesting, so that chiral carbon on the oxane ring is the culprit?

        • 2 months ago

          May very well be.
          It's well known that chirality can cause dramatic issues, But if i were truly pressed omn the issue, I'd have to go with the fundamental mis-understanding most people seem to have that this kind of lab synthesis is somehow "Magically clean" and adjuncts, and residuals don't come into play.
          Just from looking into the studies that serve as "Proof" that these for profit chemicals are "SAFE" or "GRAS"(Generally recognized as safe,) you'll notice that often the "Studies" are often only a rehashing of previous data, and almost without fail, they only last a month or two; conveniently cut off when you'd expect long term effect to begin to present.
          Trusting a Chinese lab's purity standards is dubious at best, but often times the misdirection from real issues with these additives,(residuals from AG Chems and even the solvents and catalysts used in manufacture,) are presented as a sort of pre-emptive "Straw-man" in order to steer the comprehension away from them.
          This may or may not be intentional, but we already know for a fact that millions of dollars are on the line in both research and sales, as well as the fact that the cumulative effects on the consumers of these "Products",DOES in fact lead to the opening of an entirely new, highly profitable market involved in TREATING the long term aftereffects, often tied to the parent companies who produce BOTH the "Poison" and the "Antidote"
          If one looks deeply into company's histories, product lines, product recalls and the studies NOT funded by them OR funded by groups with an agenda,(very hard, I know,) you can in fact get a better idea of "Just how bad things really are"
          You really can't do that by a simple search on the web these days--too much has been scrubbed and sanitized.
          You'll have to dig a little deeper and actually scour through multiple layers of e-deceit.
          Unfortunately, most people can't be bothered if the run into the least bit of resistance.
          >Pic related

    • 2 months ago

      It could be any of the E vitomers. They don't even have to say which one.

  6. 2 months ago

    explain abt this. Because my mom has a whole bunch of allergies and sensitivities, and i think i got a lot of that genetically. Sucralose gives me really bad headaches, so protein powders and a lot of things I have to avoid unless I want to give myself a headache. It goes away if i take tylenol. Also, caffiene, or at least tea and coffee gives me headaches too a lot of the time. Stevia is okay so i just use that and i only drink coffee or tea now when i feel like it, and not first thing in the morning.

    • 2 months ago

      I think you're full of shit and you're just prone to headaches for no reason.

      • 2 months ago

        mmmmm.... no anon. If i use a protein powder with sucralose, i get a headache. I tried those prime energy drinks a bit ago and got a headache. They take like over 3 days to go away if i dont take anything for it. Sometimes I get headaches from dehydration or from not moving enough, or if i sleep too much i can get a headache as well. Its usually more of a neckache or in the back of my head, usually on my right side from my temple to the back of my neck.
        One time when i was younger and i was working at burger king, I decided I should get used to the taste of coffee. So I tried some coffee, but i added an artificial sweetener so it wouldnt be as bitter. I immediately got a HORRIBLE headache. It came on so fast. I dont remember, but I think it went away super fast as well. but yeah anon, dont be fricking moronic, its quite common to have reactions to the absurb chemicals mankind has created

        • 2 months ago

          psychosomatic, like the people who insist they're allergic to MSG.

          • 2 months ago

            thats kind of bullshit considering i wasnt expecting the first time i got a headache.... I'm not here to be medically gaslit lmao

            • 2 months ago

              I mean, aspartame is known to cause headaches and cognitive effects, to memory mainly, high cellular apoptosis if big words make you feel funny.
              >sciencedirect [DOT]

              • 2 months ago

                Source: trust me bro
                yeah im definitely having schizophrenic delusions from sugar or coffee, definitely not simply an intolerance or reaction
                moron lmao

        • 2 months ago

          There's a lot of information about how disruptions in your digestive system can lead to headaches. Sucralose causes issues with your gut flora for some people. I have issues with it too.

    • 2 months ago

      What toothpaste do you use? I was having some heartburn and digestive issues that seem to have gone away once I switched to a natural non-whitening toothpaste (still has fluoride)

      • 2 months ago

        ha, funny you ask that. i use colgate plain anticavity toothpaste. Literally the most basic shit. Everything else (kids toothpaste is kind of alright) causes my teeth to hurt. Heck, one is hurting right now. Ive got gum recession, so the areas without enamel are exposed, and if i dont brush strictly twice a day, i start to get tooth pain. Its a lot worse with sugar, and even my tongue gets sensitive with acids.

        I think what triggered it is I tried mewing for like a week and my gums fricking disappeared at lightning speed. I did have gum recession on one tooth when i wa a kid though. Iffy, but i stopped flossing too. I'm slightly afraid of cavities, but apparently the flossing brings your gums down too. so no mewing for me, which sucks. I'm unemployed right now, but i really want dental extremely bad so i can get this shit fixed. theoretically, I could mew, and then fix the gums after, but I wouldnt be able to stand the gum pain.

        anyway sorry for the blogpost but frick, tooth nerve pain is an extremely overlooked pain thats actually horrific. sentitivity toothpaste just makes it worse. Last time i used it, it hurt my teeth so bad i had to immediately spit it out. At least people with chronic back pain or something could potentially do like, frickin yoga. But teeth? nah. I've looked up some new agey solutions, because dentistry is a ~~*business*~~ after all, but yeah id pay the shills to get it fixed

        • 2 months ago

          Look into nano-hydroxyapatite toothpaste.

  7. 2 months ago

    what is this rice krispies?
    breakfast cereal is fricking nasty

    • 2 months ago

      Those are made by Kelloggs. This is probably Rice Chex.

    • 2 months ago

      those ingredients probably sterilize you

  8. 2 months ago

    Lately I've become very suspicious of anything with "vitamins" added. All I know is my guts are a lot happier when I avoid those foods. And anything oil-soluble like vitamin E is especially sus since those are the ones that tend to build up to toxic levels in the body. I really hate that all milk in my country has vitamin A and D forced in by law. It's the only artificial food I haven't been able to eliminate from my diet.

  9. 2 months ago

    Just dont eat the slop?

  10. 2 months ago

    Vitamin Fricking E?

  11. 2 months ago

    no, and neither do you.

  12. 2 months ago

    Some people have a gene mutation that makes them intolerant to tocopherol. If you want to supplement vitamin E you should take tocotrienols, which are another form of vitamin E.

  13. 2 months ago

    Great. Is this the next thing? The new sequel to soy, seed oils, red40, gluten, and other things pseuds think are super dangerous gigacovid extinction level bioagents because some (politically slanted, of course) influencer said it was bad?

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