Is honey good for you?

Is honey good for you?

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  1. 1 month ago

    Good and bad. Not all honey is the same, for example.

  2. 1 month ago

    Is being a bee keeper based? is it hard to harvest honey and keep bees, if I'm starting from nothing with no knowledge how long would it take me to make friends with some bees and have them as bros?

    • 1 month ago

      >Is being a bee keeper based?
      Of course it is, look at that motherfricker. He doesn't afraid of anything.
      >is it hard to harvest honey
      Depends which kind of honey. Specific types of honey are almost impossible to do unless you live in the mountains, as you need specific flowers to bloom at the exact same time while others aren't around.
      >and keep bees
      Keeping bees becomes more and more difficult due to climate change, invasive species (bees and parasites) and pesticide usage.
      >if I'm starting from nothing with no knowledge how long would it take me to make friends with some bees and have them as bros?
      Bees are a lot like people. Most of them are very nice and relaxed but some exceptions have a temper and throw a tantrum. Some species are easier than others. Best you can do is to look for an experienced beekeeper near you.

    • 1 month ago

      I'd be worried about getting used to being stung all the time more then anything.
      Something about their eyes look ominous and threatening.

      • 1 month ago

        people pay to get stung by bees, it can't be that bad

    • 1 month ago

      It seems pretty fun, I have been reading a lot of books about it recently and would like to buy or make my own hive this year and get bees next spring.
      There are many books you can read about it and even local clubs that you can join to get a feel for it without needing to get your own beehive etc.

      >Is being a bee keeper based?
      Of course it is, look at that motherfricker. He doesn't afraid of anything.
      >is it hard to harvest honey
      Depends which kind of honey. Specific types of honey are almost impossible to do unless you live in the mountains, as you need specific flowers to bloom at the exact same time while others aren't around.
      >and keep bees
      Keeping bees becomes more and more difficult due to climate change, invasive species (bees and parasites) and pesticide usage.
      >if I'm starting from nothing with no knowledge how long would it take me to make friends with some bees and have them as bros?
      Bees are a lot like people. Most of them are very nice and relaxed but some exceptions have a temper and throw a tantrum. Some species are easier than others. Best you can do is to look for an experienced beekeeper near you.

      The only time I see people recommending a flow hive is when you want to harvest specific honey, so perhaps it could be used here too.
      Also you can just put a super on your hive with a queen excluder to harvest specific types of nectar depending on what's flowering in your area.
      An example of that would be dumping on on the hive when thistles are blooming in the middle of summer.

    • 1 month ago

      You should totally become a beekeeper. I did it on a whim at 15 and me and my dad learned pretty much on our own.
      It's too late in the season for you to start from square 1 this year, but it's worth looking into.
      Look up if there's any beekeeping supply stores near you. The one around here makes it super easy. You order your bees ahead of time and pick them up from there on the scheduled dates. Even sell kits with everything you need to start up a colony (box, frames, smoker maybe etc.)
      You'll want an adequate place outdoors to put the box raised off the ground in a lot of sunlight. You're supposed to have a hive stand, but me and my dad used an old table we weighed the bottom down with cinder blocks.
      As long as you have the basics and get the bees in your hive, they'll know what to do and will make do. It's not hard to harvest the honey either.
      I'm a filthy casual beekeeper and it's a lot of fun. If you want to take it more seriously and in depth you can, but you can successfully have colonies that survive and produce honey really easily. I'm planning to make mead this year with whatever I can harvest (can't take too much in this colony's first year)
      >picrel my first queen

      • 1 month ago

        it's more about what the bees going to eat because I live in the middle of rice field

    • 1 month ago

      It's hard work, especially nowadays with varroa mites and "colony collapse disorder".

    • 1 month ago

      >Is being a bee keeper based?
      Yes, unequivocally

    • 1 month ago

      Only if you have a bee sting allergy and do it anyway

  3. 1 month ago

    you're supposed to ask this with a picture of a hot girl attached, you're never going to get 300+ replies like this

  4. 1 month ago

    it is, thats why the israelites and monsanto (run by israelites) dont want you to have it and are trying to kill all the bees

  5. 1 month ago

    Local honey helps with allergies

    • 1 month ago

      this has been debunked

      • 1 month ago

        I debunked all over your moms face

  6. 1 month ago

    I wouldn't say it's GOOD for you, it's basically just sugar paste. But it's completely natural (if you get natural honey) and it's a good way to sweeten things without giving yourself cancer.

  7. 1 month ago

    Science says its sugar and bee enzymes. Ancient wisdom says it cures everything and is the key to health and long life. I know which one I believe

  8. 1 month ago

    Good honey is amazing for you. Drinking a teaspoon of honey mixed into a glass of good quality milk daily is really good on every level. When I used to drink a cup of that every morning instead of coffee I would always feel so energised. It made me want to do physical exercise and it seemed to make my thinking clearer as well. This only works with good honey though, if you can't get good honey there's no point, you're just making sugar milk, it doesn't taste that great and doesn't have any of the benefits I saw with quality honey.

    • 1 month ago

      Thanks for the testimonial. Next time use sources.

      • 1 month ago

        Why should he bother? You're going to keep gulping Cola anyway.

  9. 1 month ago

    Invert sugar syrup is cheaper and better for you than any local raw honey. Guaranteed equal parts fructose to glucose means easy to digest. Pure as it gets, no possible allergenic substances. Only reason you might eat honey is for the taste of the plants. Healthwise though, go with white sugar. To the body its all the same. The healing powers attributed to honey are due to an increase in caloric intake from the easiest to digest energy substrate the body can use.

    • 1 month ago

      sometimes it blows my mind that there are people who think and talk like you. are you a troll? a israeli well poisoner? or maybe just a complete and utter idiot, I guess it doesn't really matter but you honestly deserve a ban for this post

      • 1 month ago

        Tell me then, what's wrong with the post? Not one of those low carb dieters are you?

        • 1 month ago

          you state sugar is healthier for you than honey and that your body can't tell the difference between two substances. Just stop talking

          • 1 month ago

            Honey and syrup are both mixtures of free fructose and glucose in water. Honey additional has traces of pollen and bee specific enzymes which are useless for humans. Practically the same, except the glucose to fructose ratio in honey is highly variable and you may end up with say 60% fructose. Both foods will get taken up by GLUT5 transporter in the small intestine. In the presence of glucose, fructose uptake improves substantially. White sugar guarantees G:F in equal parts avoiding the problems of any excess fructose going unabsorbed. The body sees all sugars as the same thing. Nothing wrong with my post, all facts.

            • 1 month ago

              ok so do you believe margarine and butter are equal, how about olive oil and canola oil?

              • 1 month ago

                No they have different compositions of saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated fatty acids. And within each of these categories there are diverse chain lengths.

  10. 1 month ago

    No. It's just sugar syrup, vomited by bees, made from mystery sources such as trash cans and aphid anus juice.

  11. 1 month ago

    What's better nature sugar syrup?

    Has (questionably medicinal?) bee enzymes.
    Gets unique flavor from flower pollen.
    Antibacterial properties.

    Maple Syrup?
    Gets unique flavor from the minerals in the soil the sugar maples grew in.
    Gotta boil sap for hours to make it, bacteria thoroughly dead.

  12. 1 month ago

    >zoomers are so mindbroken by corporate marketing that they unironically think honey is the same as industrially processed sugars

  13. 1 month ago

    It is if you're a honey buzzard.

    • 1 month ago

      Firehawks and now beehawks. I hope they don't figure out how grenades work.

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