Serve Safe for Wild Game?

Yesterday, my friend called me and let me know he got his hands on a fresh roadkill deer- the deer was hit between 6 & 7 am.
He invited me over to go through cleaning it, since I've never done it before. He gutted the deer by 1 PM. I got to his house and we had the deer cleaned and quartered by probably 8-9 PM.
The high and low of yesterday were 80° and 58°, so it's likely that the deer was hanging for 13-14 hours at 70-80°.
The meat smells fine, but I'm a moron and this is my first time with fresh venison. Should I toss it all out, cook it all to at least 165° to kill bacteria, or cook it medium rare, as I normally would? What is the likelihood that I will get food poisoning?
I'm not the type of guy to bow to big grill and cook burgers to 165°, but I'm really not sure where this falls on the spectrum of pussy shit to complete moronation.
I asked the hunting thread on Culinaly the same question, but I figure this question might be for Culinaly

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  1. 2 years ago

    do deer get trichinosis, also known as trichinellosis? here people who hunt boar freeze it and send a piece to a lab for analysis first cause that shit will murder you, but not sure if deers get it too

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Meat smells fine it fine. People routinely chug deer carcasses for miles after hunting it. But this is a possible concern check your local hunting and health authorities guidelines to see if there’s a risk of this in your area.

      • 2 years ago

        Deer do not sit full of blood and organs for hours after death with any competent hunter. You cut the throat as soon as it's dead and gut it directly after.

        Being hit by a car is also going to cause damage to whatever was hit by the car. Blood will have pooled and congealed in those areas and will spoil them. When you shoot them this is contained to a small area of hydrostatic shock around the bullet path which must be cut away before hanging the carcass.

        Don't eat roadkill you morons.

        • 2 years ago

          Smells good man, idk

          Sexual intercourse with the creature in question

          This was considered as an option. That doe was lookin pretty fine.

        • 2 years ago

          You can do it if you only wound the animal with your car and finish it off yourself.

    • 2 years ago

      It won't murder you. Its just nasty. And I believe that is a pig and human parasite. Deer can have other nasties though, but I have never heard of someone sending it off.

    • 2 years ago

      Yesterday, my friend called me and let me know he got his hands on a fresh roadkill deer- the deer was hit between 6 & 7 am.
      He invited me over to go through cleaning it, since I've never done it before. He gutted the deer by 1 PM. I got to his house and we had the deer cleaned and quartered by probably 8-9 PM.
      The high and low of yesterday were 80° and 58°, so it's likely that the deer was hanging for 13-14 hours at 70-80°.
      The meat smells fine, but I'm a moron and this is my first time with fresh venison. Should I toss it all out, cook it all to at least 165° to kill bacteria, or cook it medium rare, as I normally would? What is the likelihood that I will get food poisoning?
      I'm not the type of guy to bow to big grill and cook burgers to 165°, but I'm really not sure where this falls on the spectrum of pussy shit to complete moronation.
      I asked the hunting thread on Culinaly the same question, but I figure this question might be for Culinaly

      The deer is fine temperature wise. If it doesn't smell bad its good.

      I have doubts. The college I went to had a lot of farmers and a heavily funded ag program, a few of them once explained to me that roadkill deer are supposed to be disposed of instead of eaten. Something about risk of some organs rupturing and ruining the meat. I reckon they know more about the subject than I ever will.

      They are telling you that so they get more meat. Even if the organs rupture and the guns spill all over shit, there are still a lot of portions of the animal that are good earing. The backstraps are the best part of the deer. They aren't touched if the organs rupture.

      Roadkill is never safe, 14 hours is way too long especially in the summer, and depending on where you live you need to be very sure your deer doesn't have CWD.

      Do not eat the deer, this goes way beyond food poisoning. Your friend is a moron

      CWD is unironically liberal bullshit I've eaten CWD deer for 30 years

      And a CWD deer will look sick. If it looks like a healthy weight and wasnt missing big chunks of fur (except from getting hit by that car) it probably doesnt have CWD. Steer clear of spinal fluids to be sure.

      CWD is liberal bullshit. I've been eating CWD deer for 30 years. Quit listening to ~~*THEM*~~ and living your life in a bubble

      Also, you should consider processing your own deer. I don't know how it took your moronic friend all day to gut and process it. Gutting takes me 1-2 hours tops depending on how big the deer is and if i have a guy with me and processing all depends on how much you grind up but the actual shanks, backstraps, and roasts part only takes a few hours at most. The long part is grinding all the meat all day.

      • 2 years ago

        >They are telling you that so they get more meat.
        Liberals don't eat roadkill, meathead hicks do.
        >I've eaten CWD deer for 30 years
        Anecdotal individual evidence means frick all. Diseases still exist even though you haven't got sick.
        You are one stupid frick.

        • 2 years ago

          >The college I went to had a lot of farmers
          I don't know many liberal farmers but okay

          >Anecdotal individual evidence means frick all. Diseases still exist even though you haven't got sick.
          CWD exists. I don't debate that dumbass. The risk of prions jumping to humans isn't documented. Not one single case. Go ahead and look. Also CWD magically 'started' in the 70s. Was it not around before then? It was, just no one cared. CWD is unironically made up by fish and game agencies as an excuse to have more tyrannical conservationist tactics/justify their pathetic existence.

          Trust me man, I know more about this than you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating CWD or roadkill deer. Quit living your life in a bubble and CONSOOOOOMING the NEEWWWSSS. All they do is sell fear. And you're evidently buying if you're afraid to eat a CWD deer.

  2. 2 years ago

    It's fine. You virtually never get a game animal in a freezer or on ice until hours after the kill.

  3. 2 years ago

    I have doubts. The college I went to had a lot of farmers and a heavily funded ag program, a few of them once explained to me that roadkill deer are supposed to be disposed of instead of eaten. Something about risk of some organs rupturing and ruining the meat. I reckon they know more about the subject than I ever will.

    • 2 years ago

      I think just the stomach was burst

      • 2 years ago

        You must not eat the deer.

        • 2 years ago

          The acid of the stomach cooks the deer

    • 2 years ago

      they just tell people that to increase the likelihood that only they will get roadkill.

    • 2 years ago

      Depending on how the deer is hit, if the stomach or large intestine ruptures, it will taint and spoil the meat with bacteria. So yeah, usually you should not unless you can confirm it was a clean kill. Had a buddy nail one in the head and he was a hunter so harvested and the meat was fine. He would not have fricked around if he had not cleanly killed it.

  4. 2 years ago

    Roadkill is never safe, 14 hours is way too long especially in the summer, and depending on where you live you need to be very sure your deer doesn't have CWD.

    Do not eat the deer, this goes way beyond food poisoning. Your friend is a moron

    • 2 years ago

      You must not eat the deer.

      The mechanism of death and stomach bursting are not whatI find concerning.

  5. 2 years ago

    it's fine, cook it medium rare unless it's ground up

  6. 2 years ago

    The nose knows when it comes to this kind of thing. Bad meat will smell bad; sour in it's early stage. If the stomach burst then the quarters should still be fine. I might cut away any meat that was exposed to the elements. Was it in the shade or the sun? Did it bleed out externally or internally?

    • 2 years ago

      And a CWD deer will look sick. If it looks like a healthy weight and wasnt missing big chunks of fur (except from getting hit by that car) it probably doesnt have CWD. Steer clear of spinal fluids to be sure.

      • 2 years ago

        >steer clear of spinal fluids
        It got hit by a car anon. And CWD is only visible in the late stages. He never saw the thing alive, he doesn't know if it was acting sick.

        Smells good man, idk
        This was considered as an option. That doe was lookin pretty fine.

        Why did you even make a thread if you were going to disregard everyone telling you not to eat roadkill?

    • 2 years ago

      And a CWD deer will look sick. If it looks like a healthy weight and wasnt missing big chunks of fur (except from getting hit by that car) it probably doesnt have CWD. Steer clear of spinal fluids to be sure.

      Looked nice and healthy- kept in a shady garage.
      Thanks all. Good and helpful responses.

  7. 2 years ago

    >eating roadkill
    At that point anything short of deepfrying the fricker until it's 500 degrees internal to kill all bacteria and parasites will kill you.

  8. 2 years ago

    There's a reason why hunting season are either early in spring or in autumn. The fact it took 7 hours before it was guttes clearly fricked all the meat near the organs: tenderloins, ribs, etc. The rest of the meat is probably eatable but clearly won't taste good.

    • 2 years ago

      Good to hear. We disposed of everything else because the stomach burst, anyways. I'll just spice the shit out of it.

  9. 2 years ago

    Sexual intercourse with the creature in question

    • 2 years ago

      Smells good man, idk
      This was considered as an option. That doe was lookin pretty fine.

      Deer pussy is hawt.

  10. 2 years ago

    Don't mean to be rude but just wondering whether you are so poor as to consider eating it or just doing it for shits and giggles.
    It's great to see things being put to good use, but the risks surely outweigh any short term benefit especially in your situation of sky high costs associated with treating health issues.

    • 2 years ago

      lmao what? Dude. Are you,

      >They are telling you that so they get more meat.
      Liberals don't eat roadkill, meathead hicks do.
      >I've eaten CWD deer for 30 years
      Anecdotal individual evidence means frick all. Diseases still exist even though you haven't got sick.
      You are one stupid frick.

      Deer do not sit full of blood and organs for hours after death with any competent hunter. You cut the throat as soon as it's dead and gut it directly after.

      Being hit by a car is also going to cause damage to whatever was hit by the car. Blood will have pooled and congealed in those areas and will spoil them. When you shoot them this is contained to a small area of hydrostatic shock around the bullet path which must be cut away before hanging the carcass.

      Don't eat roadkill you morons.

      Roadkill is never safe, 14 hours is way too long especially in the summer, and depending on where you live you need to be very sure your deer doesn't have CWD.

      Do not eat the deer, this goes way beyond food poisoning. Your friend is a moron

      just afraid of everything? A whole deer gives you about a months worth of meals. "so poor" yeah dude, until you're retired, everyone is poor. I'll take a free month's worth of meals. Who wouldn't? Let me guess. You guys don't eat squirrels and rabbits either? I shoot those things out of my yard and eat them all the time as well. Squirrell is delicious in some cream of mushroom soup. Rabbit can be substituted for chicken

      • 2 years ago

        You are acting like if you eat a deer hit by a car you're going to die or something lmao. Roadkill tags are such a score. Especially if its not our car. "health issues". Yeah no go ahead and watch Food Inc and check out what the cow you eat comes from and tell me you won't take your chances on a deer that a car hit.

        Don't get me wrong, it's great using it to supplement your diet, but how does it compare to nice fatty meat from the stores?
        The bucks must be overly strong and gamey for consumption?

        • 2 years ago

          Ground venison is much leaner. That is why you mix it with pork fat, I usually save my pork shoulder or brisket fat in a special spot in my freezer and mix it in when I kill my annual deer.

          Deers gamey-ness depends entirely on how you proccess it, if its rut, if its a male, and what they eat imho. Lots of factors. Deer I've eaten in south dakota compared to the forests of michigan taste totally different.

          Generally speaking the roasts and backstraps and all that aren't that gamey.

          I have a recipe I use for pot roast which has convinced me to never eat regular potroast again

          >Take Leg roast
          >Throw it in crockpot
          >Put in potatoes, a jar of those yellow peppers you get from the store you put on italian subs
          >container of beef broth
          >maybe a few mushrooms
          >Au Jus and Ranch powdered packets

          Let it go all day. You'll never have a normal pot roast again. This thing is killer

          • 2 years ago

            Sounds good, does a chest freezer have enough space to store the excess?

    • 2 years ago

      You are acting like if you eat a deer hit by a car you're going to die or something lmao. Roadkill tags are such a score. Especially if its not our car. "health issues". Yeah no go ahead and watch Food Inc and check out what the cow you eat comes from and tell me you won't take your chances on a deer that a car hit.

  11. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I almost clicked this webm. And then I remembered.

    • 2 years ago

      Seems like a great way to get sick.

      • 2 years ago

        I clicked it just knowing. You can just tell what morons are up to sometimes.

  12. 2 years ago

    Please kill deer as much as you can everyone. Shoot them whenever you can and either eat them or let them lie. They are terrible, disgusting tick and disease (lymes disease) carrying pieces of shit that destroy peoples gardens, field crops, prevent forests from regrowing, and cause destruction due to auto collisions. Kill the frickers as much as you can PLEASE!

    • 2 years ago

      Deer are vastly overpopulated and a menace in some areas, and extirpated in others. Do what's best for your area in regards to deer, but you should absolutely take hunting opportunities, be it deer, duck, turkey, rabbit, quail, or whatever is available in your area. Buy a cheap 12ga shotgun, and you've got a do all gun.

      • 2 years ago

        Kill them all. Some will survive, but the second we let our guard down they will be all over again. They will retreat in some sanctuary near a town and breed then come back out.

  13. 2 years ago

    This thread is amazing. Homie found some carrion on the side of the road in July and he's convinced himself he has to eat it or he's soy.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >I will not eat the bugs. I will not debase myself for the globalist NWO. I am a proud self-sufficient hunter. I know my food as a living animal before I eat him. I am my own supply chain.


  14. 2 years ago

    If you are not sure about the cleanliness of the meat or the condition of the deer as it was sitting outside, I would slow cook or pressure cook something. Like a nice peppery stew.
    I am only confident with rare venison that I have shot and butchered myself because I know exactly how the carcass was handled.
    Especially with roadkill, shit can get nasty inside depending on what was damaged and how the animal died. Tainted blood can move around to other parts of the animal over time.

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