Are people who say this just completely out of touch with reality? Imagine I'm making just a simple burger and fries. Let me just buy a 6 pack of buns, a lb of ground beef (or pre-formed patties), bacon, an onion, lettuce/tomato, American cheese, potatoes, a bunch of oil, etc.

Then you have to save all that extra shit, either wasting space or it will just get thrown away when it goes spoiled/unused.

Then you have to spend the time to make it. Even something like making good fries at home requires both a lot of technique and a lot of oil, and both that and smash burgers will stink up and smoke up your house like crazy.

Then after you've got everything done, you have to clean/wash everything up and air out the greasy stink.

You've done all this work, cleanup, and bought all this shit and, for what..? You saved a bit of money on raw ingredients (assuming you will actually use all those ingredients instead of wasting them), but at the expense of wasting an hour worth of your time and having to store a bunch of extra ingredients that you may or may not use.

It's just not feasible at all for a single guy to make meals like this. If you are eating at home, it should be food prep type meals that use basic ingredients, and either require no cooking, or just simple crockpot/oven/stovetop meals with minimal ingredients that make a lot of leftovers that you can eat or freeze.

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  1. 2 months ago
  2. 2 months ago

    >burgers will stink up and smoke up your house like crazy.
    Cooked hamburger smells good.

    You're a queer vegan if you don't like the smell of cooked meat. Just driving by the smoke house makes my mouth water.

  3. 2 months ago

    Nah I prepare delicious meals for myself with no issue. No waste no nothin. Cooking for yoself nowhere near as laborious or time-consuming as you make it out to be. Stuff like carrot potato last for a long time and can be used in many recipes. Get some chicken or not. Maybe some beef. You can also just make the buns yourself not hard. I would just buy frozen fries, but frick fries anyway I will eat my potato in different ways. you dont need fries with a burger. just eat the burger

    • 2 months ago

      >make the buns yourself
      another hour down the drain to save a couple bucks.

      • 2 months ago

        No, home made buns hit different fr fr.

      • 2 months ago

        like 10, 15 mins tops of active time

  4. 2 months ago

    humans literally never lived by themselves before the late 20th century.
    Also it would take an hour max to make all that stuff

    • 2 months ago

      An hour worth of my time is worth at least $30, and that's assuming I want to work more hours than I do already, which I don't, so it's at least double that. I will take convenience every time.

      • 2 months ago


  5. 2 months ago

    They've gotten so used to wasting unused ingredients that they're blind to the costs. They'll tell you they find ways to use it all, but their bins tell a different story.

    • 2 months ago

      >Then you have to save all that extra shit
      What extra shit?
      But a pound and a half of beef for your six buns. One beefsteak tomato, one large onion and a small bag of shredded lettuce is enough for six burgers, as is a half pound of deli American. There will be nothing leftover.
      Now as for the fries, you might have a small point: if you don't cook often, buying enough oil that the unit cost is isn't moronic leaves you with a LOT of leftover oil and even buying the overpriced smaller bottles will leave you with to much oil remaining. And that's not even mentioning the leftover potatoes. Again, I don't have this problem since my family cook daily, but I can understand the frustration.
      In your situation, recommend you instead buy frozen fries or tater tots and shallow fry them in a small pan one batch at a time. You'll use less oil but the kicker here is that you can just buy a bottle of dollar store shit so if you do happen to toss out what's left after, it won't be such an enormous waste.
      NGL, I just bought a bunch of Ore•Ida fries because they were on sale super cheap, a buck per 2lb bag. Fresh potatoes are more expensive than that. We'll be having some on Saturday. I'm frying fish fingers, waffle fries and samosas, making coleslaw and were going to have it all with tomato salad.

      We throw out a single kitchen-size bag of rubbish each week and it's not even a third of the way full when we do. Maybe others waste a lot but I can assure you that my family and I do not.

      >make the buns yourself
      another hour down the drain to save a couple bucks.

      Honestly, I just use sliced bread.

      • 2 months ago

        Forgot the bacon! A 12oz pack is enough for six burgers but if that's too much all at once, just get slab bacon from the butcher sliced to order. But the amount that's right for you.
        But if you do get the 12oz pack instead, that'd actually be fortunate because because renders a lot of fat and that fat can be used instead of oil to fry your fries.
        Leftover cooked bacon can be used in BLTs, anyway, or bacon butties

  6. 2 months ago

    You really have no idea how disgusting fast food kitchens are and you have no idea how unhealthy for you goyslop is.

    You sound like a woman complaining about made up hypotheticals of food spoiling before you use it, or you're a third worlder with no refrigerator.

    • 2 months ago

      I don't go to fast food, I go to Five Guys. The food is cleaner and my body can feel it after eating

      • 2 months ago

        >five guys
        >not fast food

        Yeah this is a bait thread, anyone who posts after me is a Black person.

        • 2 months ago

          I think the term is fast casual, but the quality of the food is far above something like McD's or BK.

  7. 2 months ago

    I can't get the same beef as they use in burgers, and I can't make a restaurant quality pizza at home, but I don't eat a lot of slop and almost everything else I prefer to make myself.
    I don't know if it's the seed oil meme but almost everything at a restaurant has a weird taste I don't get at home.

    • 2 months ago


      • 2 months ago

        >mustard on egg
        what the frick?

    • 2 months ago

      Buy a meat grinder, a scale, a brisket, and a chuck roast. Grind together at 60% lean brisket to 40% chuck roast by weight, or 30% fatty brisket to 70% chuck roast. Restaurant quality patties, cheaper per pound, freeze what you don't use, separated with wax paper, in the freezer. Whenever you want it for the next 2 years, you can break out delicious home-made patties from cryo-stasis to thaw and slap that shit on a grill.

    • 2 months ago


  8. 2 months ago

    You can freeze everything you listed except the veggies you dumb frick and it lasts forever.

    • 2 months ago

      who has all that room? who wants to eat freezer burnt food

  9. 2 months ago
  10. 2 months ago


    Why did you think this worthless post deserved its own thread?

    • 2 months ago

      Why are you morons replying to blatant bait

      • 2 months ago

        I only read the first paragraph but I figured it was bait even without reading the rest. Long OPs are almost always bait.

  11. 2 months ago

    Greasy men jerk off then make your food with the hands they jerked off with. I won't judge you for enjoying that but Jesus will.

  12. 2 months ago

    Just cook in bigger batches and then you have burgers almost ready to go whenever you want for the week.

  13. 2 months ago

    I disagree with everything but the last part.
    You should always cook things that are delicious and easy to make. You only cook complex dishes if you’re feeling fancy.

    Also if your food gets spoiled it is a skill issue.

  14. 2 months ago


  15. 2 months ago

    You're really only doing 15 minutes of work at most. You can do other things while cooking. There's these great inventions called dishwashers they save a lot of that time too.

  16. 2 months ago

    I'm a pretty accomplished home cook and I still cannot make restaurant quality burgers and for the life of me I do not understand why. Literally the only reason I go out anymore is for burgers.

    • 2 months ago

      I notice most people undersalt their burgers. At least that was what fixed mine. Even got the meme attachment for the stand mixer thinking fresh ground chuck would be the answer, but they still lost to McDonald's. Reached for the salt shaker with a heavy hand one day and it was like magic.

      To be fair he does have a point about fries.
      Frick fries, just microwave a potato.

      That's the weakest point he made. Dedicated fry pan with high straight sides and a splatter guard make it trivial. It's my go to when I don't feel like cooking. Big plate of fries or totinos pizza rolls done in no time.

  17. 2 months ago

    Everything OP says is true. Whenever I cook (2-3x week), it takes me 2-3 hours to cook, eat, clean and pack, and I hate every minute of it. Oftentimes I simply won't eat because I hate preparing the food. I refuse to eat goyslop because it's a fricking ripoff and unhealthy as shit. Basically I hate my life.

  18. 2 months ago

    Yes OP is obviously written up the biggest bait post this world has ever seen, but in his defense, I kinda understands where he's coming from. Up until a few years ago I didn't understand the extent in which things can/should be frozen. Nowadays I'm a total freezerchad; I freeze almost everything that can't be eaten before it goes bad. Of course there's also the separate issue that I get menu fatigue easily; I wouldn't want to eat burgers for a few days straight.

    >6 pack of buns
    Easily frozen then defrosted by leaving it on your countertop for 10 minutes then putting them in a toaster oven. Can be used to make other types of burgers/sandwiches, like fried chicken or pulled pork sandwiches

    a lb of ground beef (or pre-formed patties)
    Easily defrosted by putting it in a zoplock and submurging it in cold water for an hour. Can be used in tacos, sloppy joes, and mapo tofu

    Easily defrosted, same method as above, but might not even be necessary if you fry up all the bacon on the first day then store them in an airtight container in your fridge. Can be used in salads, breakfasts, and in other sandwiches

    onion, lettuce, tomato, potatoes
    Can be frozen but once defrosted the texture goes off. That being said, onions and potatoes probably have one of the longest shelf lives of any common vegetable; can last a while in your pantry or fridge. Can be used in soups, beef stew, or pickled to last even longer. Same story with tomatoes, you're probably storing them wrong. Tomatoes stay out of the fridge, and lettuce should be stored by wrapping it in a paper town before it goes in the fridge; it'll last for over a week stored properly.

    >American cheese
    Again, can be frozen but the texture might be off. That being said it's still fine to eat once defrosted

    >a bunch of oil
    Probably the most versatile and easy to store ingredient ever, second only to salt

    Overall 10/10 bait, OP, you got a bunch of us to bite, I'll give you that.

    • 2 months ago

      Yes, just fill your limited freezer space with a bunch of extra shit and then take out five different things from the freezer and let them dethaw every time you're making burgers.

      No one is saying it's impossible to portion food out, freeze it, and reuse it. We're just saying it's extremely fricking inconvenient to do all this, spend all the time with prep, cooking, and cleanup just to make a meal for ONE FRICKING PERSON.

      Lettuce doesn't freeze well, oil doesn't freeze well (I use EVOO and avocado oil, I don't use peanut/vegetable oil used for deep frying). Bun texture will go to shit quickly if any moisture gets in. "Oh, just get a vacuum sealer" oh wow that's additional costs and more fricking time wasted every time you freeze something.

      The point is that to achieve a meal equivalent to something like Five Guys, you have to buy all these raw ingredients, prep potatoes ahead of time, soak them in water, par cook them, then deep fry them. Smash grill a burger, creating a ton of smoke. Cook the bacon. Chop the produce. And then clean up all the mess. Even for an extremely experienced home chef, this whole process will take about an hour of your time and leave you with a ton of excess ingredients filling up your fridge/freezer

  19. 2 months ago

    To be fair he does have a point about fries.
    Frick fries, just microwave a potato.

  20. 2 months ago

    What's bait about it? Cooking at home can be a hassle. If you want to save time and not worry about food going bad, you can order out. The tradeoff, you pay more.

    If you enjoy the act of cooking itsef then it's not a waste of your time. But for some people it is.

  21. 2 months ago

    >will stink up and smoke up your house like crazy.
    Only because you're an NPC who fell for the open floor plan trend like all the rest of the NPCs. There's a good reason why kitchens used to be their own room with its own door and a stove hood that vented to the outside. NPCs can't explain why all of that is bad and they must be able to see the refrigerator while watching a movie on the couch, they just know that's what everyone else has so it must be the right way.

    • 2 months ago

      Frickin' a.
      I hate open floor plans and always have.

  22. 2 months ago

    >reading all that shit

  23. 2 months ago

    Hey look, it's another "homosexual OP argues against cooking in a thread on the cooking forum" thread.
    The bait is lazy, your reasoning is flawed, you can't cook and you should probably just drink gasoline while attempting to free climb a vertical rock face.

    • 2 months ago

      Record yourself buying all these ingredients, storing them, prepping, making a bacon cheeseburger with hand cut fries, and then cleaning everything up, and see if you even get anywhere close to under an hour

      • 2 months ago

        how about no.
        imagine being such a lazy c**t that you cant give up an hour of your time to learn to cook and you have to watch whatever bullshit hulu or netflix show thats omg so important. you are beneath me and anyone who can cook. frick off.

  24. 2 months ago

    >Are people who say this just completely out of touch with reality?
    Sweet! Burger week!
    >Then you have to save all that extra shit, either wasting space or it will just get thrown away when it goes spoiled/unused.
    I will eat ALL that shit, I own a freezer if time drags on.
    >Then you have to spend the time to make it. Even something like making good fries at home requires both a lot of technique and a lot of oil, and both that and smash burgers will stink up and smoke up your house like crazy.
    Air frying is good enough, not much wasted oil there.
    >Then after you've got everything done, you have to clean/wash everything up and air out the greasy stink.
    Dish washers are an INVESTMENT, also I own a kitchen fan with a filter. Yes you can put your fricking stainless steel pots in the washer.
    >You've done all this work, cleanup, and bought all this shit and, for what..? You saved a bit of money on raw ingredients (assuming you will actually use all those ingredients instead of wasting them), but at the expense of wasting an hour worth of your time and having to store a bunch of extra ingredients that you may or may not use.
    For what? For a lot of bigger burgers better than money can buy within a reasonable cost without the added sneed oils and subpar hygiene. LOTS OF BURGERS ALL WEEK.
    >It's just not feasible at all for a single guy to make meals like this. If you are eating at home, it should be food prep type meals that use basic ingredients, and either require no cooking, or just simple crockpot/oven/stovetop meals with minimal ingredients that make a lot of leftovers that you can eat or freeze.
    It is feasible, you're just a fast food addict. Go buy some steamed-to-shit lukewarm delivery made by not-washing-hands immigrants who use the cheapest possible ingredients with loads of modern additives for 25% more while getting 30% less with shrinkflation.

    • 2 months ago

      >you're just a fast food addict
      Says the guy willing to eat burgers for an entire week.

      • 2 months ago

        Yes, home made burgers, the obesity driven obsession.

      • 2 months ago

        >fast food burgers are the same as homemade burgers
        take your cooklet ass back to twitter you mongoloid

  25. 2 months ago

    The Five Guys thread really triggere the homosexual OP lmao.

  26. 2 months ago

    All those words just to say,
    >I'm too lazy to learn how to cook
    Git gud slop goblin

  27. 2 months ago

    >10pack of burger buns, $3
    >10pack of burger patties, $10
    >10pack of sliced cheese, $3
    >takes 2min to fry a burger patty and slap it all together
    >takes 10min to drive to a fast food place, 5min to order and wait for the food, then 10min to drive back
    10 burgers for $16, versus $18 for a fast food burger
    you do the maths and i feel sorry for you and your brain damage

    • 2 months ago

      10 pack of burger buns is closer to $5
      burger is about $4/lb so that's accurate, but each burger uses 2 patties, not 1

      Then you forgot the bacon, the oil, the potatoes, and the toppings. You also forgot soaking the fries, par cooking the fries, frying the fries, frying the smash burger, chopping up the produce, and cleaning up the kitchen and dishes.

      It's not $18, it's $15 for a double bacon cheeseburger and a massive serving of fries.
      It's not 5 mins to wait, as you can all ahead and it's ready as you walk in.
      You can't complain about the drive time there when you also have to drive to the store to get raw ingredients, and shopping for those raw ingredients takes longer than just walking in and picking up your burger.

      In conclusion: you are a disingenuous moron and your equivalent meal would taste like shit and still take over an hour to make.

      • 2 months ago

        >burger is about $4/lb so that's accurate, but each burger uses 2 patties, not 1
        fat frick

  28. 2 months ago

    I make my own buns, too.

  29. 2 months ago

    Actual moron post.

  30. 2 months ago

    put it in the freezer like a normal human being you dumb consumerist prostitute. Yes, you can freeze the buns too.

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