What do you eat each day?

Breakfast: coffee, cigarette
Lunch: Danish pastry, coffee, cigarette
Dinner: kebab, beer, cigarette

Location: UK

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  1. 2 years ago

    Yo another data harvesting thread i love these
    Breakfast: Saltpeter, Rum
    Lunch: Applesauce, a small coconut
    Dinner: Six pieces of arugula and a drizzle of argan oil

    • 2 years ago

      your gas must be legendary

  2. 2 years ago

    Do Americans really eat Alaska?

    • 2 years ago

      >he's never heard of a baked Alaska

  3. 2 years ago

    random time each day once a day: kebab slop or frozen pizza


  4. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: nothing
    Lunch: meat and veggies
    Afternoon: coffee or sardines with olive oil on a piece of baguette
    Dinner: same as lunch


  5. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: oat porridge
    Lunch: pilot bread
    Dinner: salt beef and grog

  6. 2 years ago

    how do you survive off this?

    • 2 years ago

      Alaska has a lot of mass, many calories

    • 2 years ago

      Western Europeans are built to run more efficiently than Americans, Eastern Europeans even more so.
      Dudes out in Croatia can live on just cigarettes.

      • 2 years ago

        this doesnt seem biologically viable. there must be another physiological factor at play

        • 2 years ago

          Another theory is that it's an oral fixation most Americans have from being raosed on baby formula.

          • 2 years ago

            Its seems as though there's a lot wrong with Americans. In America there is rampant rates of obesity, diabetes, anxiety, and depression. Could the American diet be to blame for all these problems or are there multiple factors?

            • 2 years ago

              >Could the American diet be to blame for all these problems or are there multiple factors?
              Multitude of factors, but this is definitely high up on the list of reasons why Americans are so ill mentally and physically.

      • 2 years ago


        zero sugar red bull, cigs, mineral water
        some fried meat, tuna or chicken liver, green veggies, usually salad, sometimes sauerkraut
        during weekend:
        frickloads of alcohol

        >Could the American diet be to blame for all these problems or are there multiple factors?
        Multitude of factors, but this is definitely high up on the list of reasons why Americans are so ill mentally and physically.

        lately was watching convo how CKLuis was stuck on a yacht with his kids. and after half a day the cop was helping him and was transporting grocieries bcs they were hungry and had nothing to eat. so fricking americans dont eat for 14 hours and its an emergency situation and cop needs to come with fricking helicopter to feed them. jesus

        • 2 years ago

          >so fricking americans dont eat for 14 hours and its an emergency situation and cop needs to come with fricking helicopter to feed them. jesus
          I think that put things in to perspective. Kek

  7. 2 years ago

    Don't eat breakfast, don't eat lunch, eat some kind of pasta dish for tea.
    I don't eat very much but I'm fat as frick because all my calories come from alcohol.

    • 2 years ago

      Which is also going to make the impact of your micronutrient deficiencies exponentially worse once the symptoms start to show. At least take a multivitamin and B complex.

      • 2 years ago

        What's a B complex? What does it? Should everyone take it?

      • 2 years ago

        >micronutrient deficiencies
        How long will that take? Would you say around two weeks?

        • 2 years ago

          Ten to twenty years.

    • 2 years ago

      same here with no breakfast or lunch and being an alcoholic that has one meal a day at night after sufficiently drunk. although i'm not a fat frick i've definitely gained 20-30 lbs from my years of daily drinking.

      • 2 years ago

        oya, got a boston market frozen country fried beef steak with mashed taters heating up in the oven.

  8. 2 years ago

    i only eat dinner (for snacks, it's granola or peanuts) and it's usually fish chicken turkey with veggies/ quinoa is a must or brown rice or an asian dish/ or pizza or pasta lol not really much for the imagination. a few times a month I'll *make* a burger, no fastfood whatsoever and no soft drinks only water. quit the beer and will sip on wine occasionally. this is basically my diet and lost lots of weight doing it

  9. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: none
    Lunch: leftovers from dinner last night. Banana with nut butter
    Dinner: Some kind of meat, grilled vegetable, and bread


  10. 2 years ago

    a big sIop of shit

  11. 2 years ago

    The trouble with the obesity epidemic is that people have ancient bullshit ingrained in their heads when that ancient bullshit is what caused the problem in the first place.

    >Saturated fat
    >Dietary cholesterol

    These things are good for you. Unsaturated fats are highly processed, do not consume them.

    • 2 years ago

      not ancient enough
      our ancestors knew to eat mostly animal fats

  12. 2 years ago

    op, you're supposed to smoke cigarettes, not eat them.

    • 2 years ago

      >bryoni kate
      Had her entire nude gallery a while ago, about 10k pics

  13. 2 years ago

    I wake up around 11 am and usually make myself some very creative kind of bacon sandwich (capers, goat cheese, etc.), then I have some snack a few hours later that usually involves hummus, later I have dinner with family and when I am the one to cook it's usually red meat and potatoes with a vegetable side. Then I start my drinking 😉

  14. 2 years ago

    lunch-egg sandwich
    dinner-meat and veggies

  15. 2 years ago

    breakfast: poo poo with pee pee sauce
    lunch: dingleberries with a diarrhea glaze
    dinner: poo poo soup with a dash of caca

  16. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: none
    Lunch: sandwich or soup (pho/ramen/udon)
    Dinner: whatever I cook for dinner / leftovers

    Location: USA

  17. 2 years ago

    >Breakfast: granola bar, bang energy
    >Lunch: beef jerky, yogurt, bang energy
    >Dinner: steak/chicken/pork cut
    >Second dinner: protean shake after gym

  18. 2 years ago

    breakfast : nothing
    Lunch : nothing
    dinner : either a single marinated chicken breast or half a pork tenderloin, with a side of roasted vegetables, either asparagus, Brussels sprouts, brocoli, carrots and/or parsnips
    Maybe one apple or two as a snack during the day.

    • 2 years ago

      >breakfast : nothing
      >Lunch : nothing
      You should get in to cigarettes.

  19. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: something grainy, usually with fruit and often with dairy; also, coffee with milk Alternately, fruit salad (or fruit smoothie) and black tea with sugar and lemon.

    Lunch/Dinner: one of the two will have bean or meat and two veg. The other of the two will have another two veg.

    Today: peaches in oatmeal, made with milk, and coffee (also with with milk) for breakfast, leftover pork chop in gravy with cauliflower stamppot as well as garlic-sauteed snowpeas and an ear of corn for lunch and I just finished my dinner of stir-fried glass noodles with spinach, onion, mushroom, carrot, shredded omelette and red bell pepper and spicy cucumber salad side dish.

    Tomorrow will be kiwifruit smoothie and black tea with lemon at breakfast, pasta with cauliflower for lunch and lentil keema (instead of the mince) with bread for dinner.

  20. 2 years ago

    Breakfast - Scones
    Second Breakfast - Eggs and Sausage
    Elevenses - Tea Cakes
    Luncheon - Cold Roast Beef Sandwiches
    Afternoon Tea - Cucumber Sandwiches
    Dinner - Ragout of rabbit
    Supper - Stuffed lamb

    country: new zealand

    • 2 years ago

      How tall are you, anon?

      • 2 years ago

        6ft 6, by I'm considered short for my family.

  21. 2 years ago

    Breakfast, coffee
    Lunch, kebab, soda water
    Dinner, stir fry, beer, beer, scotch, scotch

  22. 2 years ago


    West Virginia is 94% white. It is also 40% obese.
    Wyoming, Montana and Idaho are 92, 91 and 90% white, respectively, as well as 30, 29 and 28% obese. Of course, US definition of obesity differs from the rest of the world (BMI of 35 for America vs 30 for everywhere else), so the obesity rates are likely much higher.

    • 2 years ago

      Speaking from my expirience as a white immigrant, 95% of hispanics and nignogs are obese while only 1/10 whites is obese, you Black person.

      • 2 years ago

        >muh experience
        Doesn't mean shit in the face of cold, hard, facts and figures. Pavel.

  23. 2 years ago

    breakfast is for children
    salad, tuna, bread on the side with condiments.
    not eaten typically. usually just snack in the evening post workout.
    >throughout the day
    rye crispbread, cream cheese, yogurt, hummus, carrots, grapes, berries, banana.

    location: USA

  24. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: Coffee, eggs/cereal/whatever I feel like eating
    Lunch: Crunch candy, flipz pretzels, coffee, polar seltzer
    Dinner: Whatever I feel like eating, polar seltzer

    • 2 years ago

      you listed 4 foods, 3 of which being candy and/or chips.

  25. 2 years ago

    It varies wildly so ill just say what I ate today
    Breakfast: Coffee and an apple
    Lunch: Greenbeans, tomatoes, and a banana
    Dinner: Chicken soup

    • 2 years ago

      Forgot to add, US CA

  26. 2 years ago

    breakfast: 60 grams of protein, 15ml oil, 15mg fiber, 200mg caffeine, 1100-1300 calories
    lunch: 30-40 grams of protein, 5-11 mg fiber, 400-750 calories
    dinner: 30-80 grams of protein, 13-22 mg fiber, 500-1150 calories
    daily fluid intake (including that sourced from fruits and vegetables): 72-128 oz

  27. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: Steak, or 4 hardboiled eggs. Bacon egg and cheese if in a rush and no time to cook
    Lunch: Either a frick ton of ice cream if Im home, or Chipotle if doing wageslave shit outside
    Dinner: 3 alcoholic drinks, usually coors light, steak, rice, and ice cream

  28. 2 years ago

    >Brunch: Apple Pie and a Scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream
    >Snack: Bowl of watermelon cubs
    >Dinner: Two slices of frozen pizza

    >Brunch: Leftover Baked Ziti
    >Dinner: BLT + Watermelon/Cucumber Salad

    Location: US

  29. 2 years ago


    Where do you live?
    I'm going to assume a high income coastal city.
    Here in the midwest it's a literal coin toss on whether or not somebody outside of their teens is fat.

  30. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: Coffee
    Lunch: Sandwich or some kind of soup
    Dinner: Whatever I feel like making, beer/whiskey

    • 2 years ago

      I'm American, forgot that part

  31. 2 years ago

    breakfast: coffee, pastry(s) typically picked up on my way to my place of gainful employment
    lunch: varies but common menus are salads, gyros, chikfila, pizza, and burgers
    dinner: cook meat+green vegetable+starch of some sort

  32. 2 years ago

    >two cups of low-sugar-high-protein yogurt
    >whatever the frick
    >can of spinach and can of fish, usually 'deenz, sammin', or 'na; additionally a bagel with sour cream if I'm still a little low on protein and have calories to spare for the day

  33. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: cig on my way to work
    Dinner:a small helping of spanish chicken with lettuce and tomato. A serving of oatmeal if I'm too hungry to sleep.

  34. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: Tea or Coffee, sometimes eggs

    Lunch: Cheeseburger, Fries, Coke

    Dinner: microwave meal of some kind

    I am 80lbs overweight

  35. 2 years ago

    >not making HI the drool
    one job

  36. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: n/a
    Lunch: Usually a sandwich of some sort, sometimes nothing.
    Dinner: A fat ribeye.

  37. 2 years ago

    breakfast : 1/2 baguette+butter, 2 coffee, a fruit
    lunch : mostly a sandwich or pasta and a cake + coffee
    dinner : 1/2 baguette, salade, a fruit

  38. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: coffee
    Lunch: sandwich, teriyaki, or leftovers
    Dinner: something that will become leftovers

  39. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: mocha, slice of sourdough
    Lunch: more bread
    Dinner: more bread and a bowl of oats

    I don't have a lot of money. It's a damn good thing I can bake bread,

  40. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: usually leftovers from the night before
    Lunch: skip
    Dinner: a combination of one meat that I have pre frozen and some veggies I pick up on the way home from work, whatever I don’t finish I pack up and eat next day.

  41. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: water, sometimes coffee, two slices of toast or a bagel with butter (Saturday morning I have bacon and eggs)

    Lunch: water, skip food usually but if I have a lunch it's usually a BLT meal deal from Tesco.

    Dinner: Whatever my wife cooks. She makes everything from scratch so I assume it's healthy. I eat a lot of veg and chicken.

    Snacks: Lentil chips, pretzels, macaroons, fruits, depends how I feel.

    I don't drink alcohol really.

  42. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: 9 vitamins, cigarettes, coffee, and garlic with lentils & buckwheat
    Lunch: Cigarettes, spinach with garlic, pears with peanut butter, and tea
    Dinner: Borscht, crackers, potatoes, and alcohol

  43. 2 years ago


    About 8-20 bottles of beer, that's it.

  44. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: Energy drink
    Lunch: some unhealthy shit
    Dinner: my leftover lunch

    I dont eat a lot, and when I do it's not very good stuff.

  45. 2 years ago

    >Breakfast: PowerKing and a piece of toblerone
    >Lunch: two pieces of crispbread with primost and a cup of pu'er tea
    >Dinner: probably a cup of rice with an egg and some soy and sriracha sauce

    I'm in Sweden

    • 2 years ago

      How much do you weigh?

  46. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: kippers on toast, egg, granola bar, prunes, and Monster Zero Ultra
    Lunch: sandwich, Lays, pastry, and coffee
    Afternoon: a snack like sardines on toasted baguette or a hot pocket with coffee or tea with whole milk
    Dinner: different meat and vegetables every night with whole milk

    c**t: USA

  47. 2 years ago

    Large bowl of cereal and a donut

    Something like a philly cheesesteak or an itialian sub

    Pasta or something lighter like meatloaf or part of a casserole

    A small snack for desert, usually cereal again


  48. 2 years ago

    this is basically my lifestyle in germany without the ciggies and more beer

  49. 2 years ago

    A big bowl of homemade beef cabbage stew with mirepoix. A bowl of greek yogurt, with non sweetened applesauce and banana almond milk mixed in.

    • 2 years ago


  50. 2 years ago

    2 fried eggs, pepper jack cheese, sautéed veggies (zucchini, peppers, mushrooms, etc.)
    1-2 pieces of sourdough toast

    I make that everyday. Every other "meal" is usually cold, leftover chicken or beef sirloin over a bed of romaine/chard/arugula with tomatoes, pepper, avocado, etc. Sometimes I add a diced apple slice or a few berries.

    I make a different salad dressing each day for the sake of variety. Oil+vinegar+dijon and maybe some herbs and spices.

    Snacks include yogurts, protein bars, small handful of nuts, granola, or even candy. Spoonful of peanut butter before bed every night because I'm underweight and trying to bulk despite thyroid problems trying to kill me.

  51. 2 years ago

    >Breakfast: Coffee
    >Lunch: Leftovers from dinner last night
    >Dinner: whatever variation of meat and vegetables I conjure up.

  52. 2 years ago

    breakfast: toast and sausage biscuit or unsweetened greek yogurt and granola and coffee

    lunch: usually some form of fish (usually canned sardines or frozen salmon fillets) and salad either with no dressing or balsamic

    dinner: chicken breast with steamed veggies or pasta with tomato sauce

    location: united states

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah right, I bet you live off hot pockets.

  53. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: 4 slices of thick-cut bacon, 4 eggs, carb of my choice (waffles, pancakes, etc.)
    Lunch: Arugula with vinaigrette
    Dinner: Nothing

  54. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: raw egg/whole milk smoothie with turmeric, pepper, kelp and neem meal.
    Lunch: sandwich and couple pieces of fruit usually a banana plus an apple or orange
    Dinner: Meat, some carbs and greens.

  55. 2 years ago

    >Breakfast - bagel w/ smoked salmon+cheese (creamed)
    >Lunch - meat and rice burrito w/ lemonade
    >Dinner - salmon baked over rice w/ soy sauce/garlic sauce + krabe meat

  56. 2 years ago

    I either eat nothing but a protein shake, veggies and chicken breast or an absolute gorge mountain of pastries, candies, dairy, and pizza.
    No in between.

    • 2 years ago

      how often do you poop anon?

  57. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: none
    Lunch: Bretzel and Mate
    Dinner: Bread with sausage salad, beer sausage etc.

    Location: Germany

  58. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: 3 egg French omelet with chives half an orange and 1.5 strips of bacon.
    Lunch: hummus scooped up with thin sliced carrots.
    Supper: I am about to pan fry a chicken thigh and make a little white wine based sauce. Served with roasted zucchini and a bit of sweet potato.
    Pretty typical for a weekday, I struggle to do lunch well and need some good ideas.

  59. 2 years ago

    breakfast: five pancakes, a cup of milk, one buttered croissant and a pork sandwich
    lunch: ---
    dinner: rice, beans, meat cut and side salad.


  60. 2 years ago

    Breakfast: Spinach and Ham wrap
    Lunch: Bowl of Peas
    Dinner: Creamy Zucchini Pasta

  61. 2 years ago

    I usually just don't eat all day while I work (ironically as a chef), make myself a shift meal, usually a salad because it's the fastest thing and I don't have to reclean anything after close (but a fat salad with a bunch of chicken and avocado and shit), and fruit as a snack. Basically nothing hot and heavy. When I have a day off, though, it's a lot of meat and potatoes.

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